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Dec 10, 2022 at 1:27 AM
May 5, 2011
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Minion was last seen:
Dec 10, 2022
    1. REMkings
      I replied to that in the staff group. Basically you can find it here.
    2. REMkings
      You can post your map(s) there if you want.

      And you should take a look at the suggestions discussion in the staff group
    3. REMkings
      Oh and I wanted you to go to FH so we can discuss some things about BIOC

      PS: Please send me visitor messages instead of PMs, my inbox is almost full ;)
    4. REMkings
      Thanks for helping me out with the bench, even though I already knew how to do that. ;)
      This map is going to be different from other Infection maps, but you'll see once it's done. I don't know how long it's going to take to finish it, as you could see I just started. The buildings weren't all in place because, like I said, I used another map of mine for the basics of this map. It's is possible that I will delete some things I had before. But I'll post it on ForgeHub when everything is done and tested.
    5. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      If you are still looking for feedback on your map "Resistance in a Infected City" I would be happy to hop in a forge lobby with you and work on it. I am the head of infection for the youtube channel THFE and see potential in refining this to the point of a feature.
    6. REMkings
      For your infection variant it might be a good idea to add a lot more cover because with a magnum the humans can own the zombies the way it is now. Also, walls on the sides of the open walkways both in the middle and next to the bases (basically all 6 of them) could be necessary to make sure zombies don't run off the map too easy. And you should also put some soft kill zones on top of the towers in the middle that also only appear in Infection. The way you can do this is to create whatever you want to make, then go to advanced settings and set the label to be "Infection". This way it will only be there when playing infection on the map. What might be neat to do as well is to add a special fx (keep it simple, like 1 only, e.g. next gen) so the environment will look different in general as well when playing infection.

      [highlight]But.. you can do these changes in a later stadium, for now, let the Testers Guild do their job first. :) [/highlight]
    7. REMkings
      The shield-doors are a good idea (saw the video in the thread), it will make the sniping a little bit harder because I felt it was pretty easy to get a lot of kills with the sniper in those areas, like when you were standing outside and two people were battling each other inside of the green zones, and then you could easily kill the remaining survivor of that combat. Now with the shield-doors, you actually have to meet the risk and walk inside first in order to get your kills - or throw a grenade of course.
    8. cluckinho
      You don't need two threads brah
    9. REMkings
      Your map "Cross-hatch" is great so far, the new walls and walkways add a lot more variety to the map and grenades have become a lot more effective. I definitely recommend submitting it for a test session in the Testers Guild so they can help you fix the tiniest glitches. You can find the way to submit a map [highlight]here[/highlight]. For the FFA variant I would add more initial spawns and respawns, and also put a lot respawns in the covered areas (green zones, with the struts), because at some points in both the FFA and Team Slayer games I did found myself able to spawn-kill some people - especially when I had the sniper. And - but I already stated this before - you could add two healthpacks, on both sides of the maps in the bases. I truly think this map is going to be beast when it's totally done.
    10. Sgt Surchin
      Sgt Surchin
      Welcome to the site, friend.
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