Im sorry reflex, as you wished, I took down my innocent and harmless avatar. I just wish I could undo my actions and save all the people that got hurt and/or were offended from my avatar. And im sorry for the person/staff that I impersonated with my avatar. And im sorry I had inappropriate images in my avatar. Wait, wut?
Indisputably the sexiest cartoon ever. Speaking of, +somuchrep if you recognize where my siggy is from.
It would be great if you would download MSN messenger, or add me on Xbox. I just just want to express how happy I am that you came along, and want to discuss haters/trolls/the show with you.
Is there somewhere I can chat with you privately besides skype? The thing won't work on my laptop :( MSN messenger?
lol On another note... I finally watched it. I hope the name of the show doesn't bear actually naming. I can safely say I walked out of it with an improved perception of the show. Instead of avoiding it, I am now just ambivalent. Are there any other episode you would say are inherently 'awesome'?
/obviously being facetious I live in Texas for christ's sake. Land of riding our horses to school and protecting the oil derricks in our backyards with 12 gauges.
I may have to break my mental barrier of staying away from cute, fluffy, and pink things and actually watch this show. But only in the dead of night when absolutely no one can catch me >.>
What little I know about My Little Pony is that fan-fiction you had me read. Btw, what is the MLP craze about? It's one of the few internet phenomenons I just don't understand.