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Nov 6, 2008 at 10:53 PM
Aug 15, 2008
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Senior Member
Dr_Justinn was last seen:
Nov 6, 2008
    1. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      If you dont play we forfeit the match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      completely screwing me over! dude sun before 1pm central
    2. CriminaL
      Hey, I tried messaging you on xbox live but got no response. We gotto play the match tonight. Msg back asap
    3. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      We are group 2! Crazy for cocoa Puffs is in GROUP 2!
      we should play tommarow and practice round 4 ok?
    4. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      sweet alright ill post a thinggy saying were signed up,
      i just need this...
      Country of Origin:
      Do I have a Microphone:
      Days/Times can play:
      Best contact method:
    5. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      whats your ranking?
    6. EGP
      Do you agree with the team name? Ever heard of avatar lol
      give me a link to your bungie.net page
    7. Rejecting You
      Rejecting You
      Nope, I don't. I'm not in the 2v2.
    8. HomieG54
      Sure I'll get on today.
    9. X5
      Alright, well, so ya, that is my most recent one, meant for 2v2, and I am almost done. But ya, hopefully you observed some stuff in the forge view, like spawns and stuff. But yes, check out Forge 101, and go practice. I can't really help you alot, since after this me and a Test Guild Member will be working on making the guild better, and creating a map to test new Guild members on, and then I have a new idea I just recently thought of to make. But ya, just practice, and as you work on you map, just message me hear on what you need to help with understanding wise and what not, or if you want me to rate the map on how it is so far. I'll be happy to help that way.
    10. X5
      Uhm, sure... but you won't learn much, cause for the contest you aren't allowed to interlock. But if you want, okay, just make me leader.
    11. X5
      K, well basically, compared to the last one, this looks like it can be good in comparison for a decent map. Will it be amazing? I don't know. What makes a make amazing is
      Originality- Create a layout, structures and aesthetics that you have never seen used before-
      Balance- That includes weapons, spawns, and points of power on the map
      Gameplay- A map on Halo is nothing without gameplay, and that is the final determining factor of it all. What makes one maps gameplay stand out from others are different uses of strategy that can be applied, which falls back on Structure. A basic example of this would be, There is a hallway, with a right angle corner. So basically, I would walk down a hallway, and then up ahead make a left. You are up ahead after I make that left, waiting for me with a shotgun. A use of strategy in structure is to make the corner night an immediate right angle, but to put something there at an angle across it like this \ so the grenade can bounce off of that object, around the corner, damaging your sheilds. Here is a mock hallway to illustrate
      _______ \
      ...........l l
      ...........l l
      ...........l l
      Stuff like that will improve your map greatly.

      So basically, read up, practice, apply, and repeat. Your first map won't be amazing or stand out, mine didn't, hell, min still don't. But in time you will get better. And nah, I can't really help, I have a map I need to finish like today for a contest.
    12. X5
      Okay, basically, uh... First map is beyond saving. It is horrid, and read up here. Trust me, it will help you. Don't even make maps to begin with, just practice at first. The second map has potential, but make a plan, and then take your time to make it perfect. This can help you plan stuff http://www.forgehub.com/forum/foundryDesigner.php I used it when I first started out to plan my ideas before hand, layout wise.

      1) yes, I know a good deal about forge, 2) No the girl avatar is a fad here, 3) I do know her, but barely 4) welcome to the hub.
    13. Dr_Justinn
    14. stin10
      hello and welcome to forgehub. if you have any questions, please send a message to me. to do this, click on my name. also you should check out this group for even more help. and again. welcome to forgehub
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