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Jul 23, 2013 at 5:14 AM
Sep 11, 2011
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Forerunner, from United States

Shik was last seen:
Jul 23, 2013
    1. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      ...He died?

      Really didn't want you getting that job now, did he?
    2. Southern
      I don't have any maps yet. I have to renew my LIVE first, then I'll do something. Probably will make a v2 of a map in my file share, I'll send you a link.
    3. Southern
      15, turning 16 on New Years' day. I need to renew my LIVE, but otherwise, I'm school free! Finals are over!
    4. REMkings
      Anyway, if you have good ideas you should never try to fully give up on them if you don't think you could make them or if you don't know how to, I had almost gave up Whac a Mole until I tried King of the Hill and it worked! (Infection didn't work out the way I wanted it)
      Or you can just ask other people how to do it, maybe they know a way.
      I'm pretty interested in your other ideas, could you tell some? Maybe they can also inspire me in some way (although I have a ton of ideas for maps to forge already, I have a whole list of maps atm :P)
      What I do is usually I write it down when I have an idea and think it could be fun, and then when I take another look at it a few days later I can add some things to it or skip the idea if I don't feel like doing it anymore, it helps me to give priority to the best maps as well :)
    5. REMkings
      Haha I was totally surprised and happy when they reviewed my map, I didn't really have a clue how on earth they had found it but I guess I submitted it sometime or st like that. :D I sent them my map Ice Cream Man as well, I hope they'll feature it sometime.

      Both of your ideas sound really interesting. I don't know if you have the Anniversary maps but maybe you could forge on Ridgeline and use pallets or crates to forge the boxes and have them insta respawn so there always a lot of boxes. But you would have to work that out some more. And about the sniper yard, that's also something I once had in mind, I figured it could be fun to have people try to snipe each other across whole Forgeworld but I never actually tried what it would be like.
    6. REMkings
      lol, why thank you!! :D
      I don't feel popular though. Not yet... ;)
      I'm planning to forge some more minigames that will overpower my current maps in a lot of ways. If I'm lucky channels such as THFE might pick it up. In one week I'll have vacation for two weeks so I have plenty of time to work on a couple of maps. So I'll definitely keep forging :)

      But yeah, being on Halo Waypoint was indeed pretty awesome :D
    7. Southern
      Ahh, I remember when I used to listen to them. Then high school happened. No more free time.
    8. Southern
      Yeah, I just found out something. Finals are way harder when you're constantly stopping yourself from singing Planetary.
    9. Poolio
      I don't believe I will because it is one of my least popular maps on here. If you want to go into forge you may, but Im not going to myself.
    10. Southern
      Did you see what I just changed my sig to? I think I'll keep it like that for a while.
    11. Southern
      From mall security! NANANANANANA! To every enemy! NANANANANANANA! We're on your property, standing in a V formation! You have made my day.
    12. Skater
      And I do that a lot, but my mom doesn't live with us anymore so she can't tell.
    13. Skater
      It doesn't have too much of a story, it's just a skateboarding game, you don't really need one.
    14. Skater
      2, you can't even get off of your board in 1.
    15. Skater
      I'll try and get a game in on it with you guys. I'll fail though, but I'll play it nonetheless. And I really gotta get some screenies so i can post Insolence.
    16. Southern
      MCRmy is their fanbase.
    17. Skater
      Skate's fun as hell, it's rather cheap too, Skate 3 is like 15 or 20 bucks. Gah my family is ****. And you posted a map? WHEN????
    18. Skater
      I'm done with shooters for a while now. I'll be back every once in while to add some quick stuff to a map, or play more CEA. But I'm really into Skate 2 and my aunt is picking up Skate 3 for Christmas for me. And with the family **** that's going down right now, I don't have time for much stuff like xbox ATM.
    19. RoboArtist
      Thanks. It's the Truth sadly.
    20. Shik
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