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Dec 12, 2019 at 8:25 AM
Sep 11, 2010
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Bloodgulch, Male, from N/A

Senior Member
4shot was last seen:
Dec 12, 2019
    1. SecretSchnitzel
      Still no gold. I'm piss broke till Feb.
    2. Eightball
      I have a new...Well, sort of new 1v1 map that I designed before I forged it, and I wanted to show it to you. Next time you're on I can send you an invite, if you'd like?
    3. Eightball
    4. Eightball
      Thanks for the help with my map yesterday, but I won't be posting it. It has light-mapping problems and the layout is too simple. I don't want it to be thought of as a warm-up map.
    5. RightSideTheory
      Well, for personal curiosity honestly.
    6. RightSideTheory

      Why are you here?
    7. RightSideTheory
      I have a question for you, and it may seem like I'm trolling, but I'm honestly curious.
    8. AceOfSpades
      Prepare to facepalm. Hushed is going to get FHF. Gay, I know, but **** happens when the community votes for what they think is "good"
    9. Shik
      Hm.. Zeeb told me you should check out Gerish? It's on competitive maps. I'd like your POV cause you're honest about maps.
    10. Noxiw
      I don't really play Halo much (at all) anymore, so I would assume it was you accidentally removing me.

      Just sayin'

    11. AceOfSpades
    12. Noirtatsu
      yeah he probably wont get a stream tht and doesnt want people yelling how bad he is and tht he only won a championship with the help of demon d
    13. Noirtatsu
      he really is he has no respect for fans either i told his gf Shannon tht he was a prick but i guess she doesnt care i think she likes the stardom too much
    14. Noirtatsu
      yeah i know ive been a member for a long time but if cloud actually forged tht would be cool since ive met him, known his gf since H2 before they even went out and this would just be one more thing tht cloud lied to me bout since last time he told me forgin was boring...lol
    15. Noirtatsu
      are u actually cloud? and if u are may i ask u a question only cloud and i would know?
    16. Skater
      Well in the first campaign mission, (not training) it felt there was a little bid of aim assist with the machine gun, but nothing more than that. And it could be the fact that i'm just terrible at computer games altogether, besides Marathon campaign. Nobody in the lobbies even host games any more on Marathon.

      But are there any Nexuiz servers i should stay away from, or are they all just basically the same?
    17. Skater
      Finally got to play Nexuiz (Winzip hates me). You were right, so much like Q3A, but why does it take up to 10 minutes to join a game, and why can't i hit a single shot?
    18. Psychoduck
      Thanks for joining in our customs tonight.
    19. Neoshadow
      Your Avatar is Neighbor, right?

      I don't watch much MLG much, but him and Pistola would have to be my favorites to watch.
    20. anime halo
      anime halo
      4shots: First of all Im not trying to spam you or troll you. Now with that out of the way. I have found you do make points in your posts when you comment on my threads; however, I would like it if you could tell me ways the the problems could be improved instead of telling me that my map is crap. Also I took your advice to look at the forger Noxiw and was very impressed by what I found in his forging abilites and maps. If possible I might look at his maps more to help me improve with aesthetic layout and features. Overall you do have points and I find them to be true in some cases, just be sure to do it in a way that helps, not destroy, my maps. At the same time Ill try to take your posts with more ease instead of ignoring them as much as I do most of the time. Thanks
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