Rorak Kuroda
Last Activity:
Apr 15, 2017 at 1:02 PM
Sep 6, 2009
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May 17, 1995 (Age: 29)
New Mexico

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Rorak Kuroda

Up All Night, from New Mexico

Forge Critic Senior Member
Rorak Kuroda was last seen:
Apr 15, 2017
    1. Erupt
      Yeah. I actually lol'd. :P
    2. Erupt
      That voice comment was uncalled for. Also, this is very possibly the dumbest group of people I've ever met.
    3. Neoshadow
      God dammit...

      Thankums anywayums.
    4. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot when are you guys posting your map pack? O.o
    5. Psychoduck
      I've just finished the structure on the new build of S. I've still got some spawns, weapons, and killzones to mess with but I'm gonna try to test in the next few days if you wanna join. It's a blast to drive around, and I'm quite happy with how the whole build has turned out.
    6. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      "To be honest, I wasn't amazed by any of the results from this round of maps."

      Actually, I would like to hear your honest opinion of Embarcadero. I get a lot of praise for it but I know it has issues, and a lot of the perspectives of people I know have been skewed from playing it so often. I'm not working on it at this point, but I plan to try to avoid mistakes I learn from it in the future.
    7. Neoshadow
      I was thinking lately, and something's really pissing me off.

      Was it you that recommended me that book "John Dies at the End"? Because I can't think who did it, and it's bugging me.

      It's like, my favourite book of all time now, too.
    8. Lone Heretic
      Lone Heretic
      Ah I see, ah I see, hmm, very good book that, about feudal Japan and the main character becomes the greatest assassin of all time, and some other stuff happens, only book to ever make me cry, if your into books, like Japan, and have spare time, I strongly recommend you read it, the first book is called "Across the nightengale floor" anyways, peace out
    9. Lone Heretic
      Lone Heretic
      Hey there, just wondering, where did you get the name Kuroda? Because I recall my favorite book of all time having a clan in it who's clan name was Kuroda, any connection?
    10. AceOfSpades
      OH FINE.

      Yeah I'll do that. I've got nothing to do tonight. WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY NEXT POINT!... get on tonight.
    11. AceOfSpades
      Nah, just like format and stuff. I'm not actually going to read it yet.

      Put Lorem ipsum in if you must.
    12. AceOfSpades
      PM me your thing so I can get some sort of idea.

      For Azula, I'm just kind of explaining my thought process behind the basics of the map design, power weapon placement, and map flow.
    13. AceOfSpades
      I have Azula like half done. What do you want for Lux?
    14. MetaWaddleDee
      MetaWaddleDee - - Group Forum for Satyros : Blueprint : Group Home
    15. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda

      The Shawshank Redemption

      Silence of the Lambs

      From Paris with Love

      Boondock Saints

      Kiss of the Dragon

      Blade Runner

      The usual suspects

      A Clockwork Orange

      Eyes Wide Shut

      2001 Space Odyssey

      The Way Back



      Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

      Wristcutters: A love story



      Team America World Police
    16. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      i shall be on thrusday to practice.
    17. AceOfSpades
      Do you want to make the Iridescence gamestype no bloom?
      Or at least provide both?
    18. Urban Myth
      Urban Myth
      I really don't know what to think about this... Northern Trip Footage - YouTube
    19. Urban Myth
      Urban Myth
      Minecraft - Mooshrooms (1.9 Prerelease Part 4) - YouTube
    20. AceOfSpades
      Hey there.

      Hi there.

      Ho there.
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  • About

    May 17, 1995 (Age: 29)
    New Mexico
    Rorak Kuroda
    Hello wayward profile browsers, my name is Matthew. I have been a denizen of these forums for quite some time. Over the internet and Xbox Live, I can come across as brash and outspoken, however, if you were to meet me in the flesh, I'd likely be just the opposite; quiet and polite. My personality, from an introspective point of view, encompasses all of those aspects, though some traits overshadow others. I'm always open to new experiences and meeting new people.

    Hacky Sack, Pencil Drawing, Halo, Women, Philosophy, Architecture, Ponies, Music, and so much more.


    Parallex - Cerity - Pyrite - The Clubhouse