oh knarly
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Sep 10, 2013 at 3:07 PM
May 25, 2009
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oh knarly

Ancient, from Land of tea and biscuits

Senior Member
oh knarly was last seen:
Sep 10, 2013
    1. alreadyRogue
      I totally will in like 2 hours, im in bio right now
    2. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Yeah I looked like 8 minutes after you messaged me and was like ?_?

      Then I checked the thread info and saw he did it.
    3. Ociee
      I love your sig.
    4. RaBBiiTTT
      Obviously, I know it's old, bro.
    5. RedNeck
      Lol, sorry. That map is just amazing on so many levels. :)
    6. RedNeck
      You don't mind if I use Cynderland for some feedback samples, do you? Its for the Feedback Guidelines thread in the TG.
    7. RedNeck
      Damn that sucks. If only there was some way you can pass it to a co-forger, I was really looking forward to that master piece.
    8. RedNeck
      Duuuude, where is Cynderland?
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      I wasn't the only one that took it as an insult, Nemihara commented on the matter but deleted it when he saw I deleted yours. There is nothing wrong with thinking and questioning, accepting stuff at face value is what kept us in the middle ages for a few centuries.

      As for getting out, I'm a particularly popular individual, my thoughts concerning people don't change that.
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      I'm going to assume that you're too ****ing retarded to realize that "Preface: The following can be construed as common sense, so frankly, if you read whatever essay I write and that's all you come up with (or some message of a similar dickish sort), don't comment at all." means "get the **** out if you're going to be a ****" so that I don't need to infract you.

      ****ing learn.
    11. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      sounds cool man, i might work on the sketchup model a bit more and try and get it under budget, we'll see though.
    12. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      If you're interested in remaking Rat Race, I've been sketching one up for a while now. It's near perfect scale and right around the budget.
    13. Devil95
      I swear to god forgehub is really stupid because of people like you that think everyone should have a map done within a day. "Oh he's not finished his map pack, Oh mods please lock this thread"
    14. RaBBiiTTT
      Cynderland looks quite promising, I must say. Sorry, can't think of anything else to say, so I just VM'ed you.

    15. Orange
      his account is still on Xbox.com, Bungie.net, and he said that he doesnt no if he can use redeem codes. If he has some option to use redeem codes he can use his account to an extent
    16. Orange
      what is that supposed to mean?
    17. SmokinWaffle
      Your opinion good sir?
    18. SmokinWaffle
      Get cho ass back in ppc boy
    19. Cryptokid
      gonna fr u soon you should wait on live
    20. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      Of course. I'm happy to help! :)
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