[mouseoverimage=http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n418/longshot619/aR_MP_2.png]http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n418/longshot619/aR_MP_1.png[/mouseoverimage] :O how'd that get there? guess you can use it if you want :)
Pyro is right, plus, i dont think anybody can view it because it only has 1 view, did you put an assload of code into or it or something, that just might do it.
I'm sorry there's only one submission to the contest. I'm definitely sure, though, that there will be more. I'll spread the word of the contest around as best I can WITHOUT getting infracted, if you want. Last time I saw someone post something to another post with an ad instead of feedback, their post got removed and probably got infracted. Maybe I could do both...
Too bad you're advertising for some fail contest that I'm probably going to troll when it comes to submitting maps.
No, I never promised you a feedback so it's not going to happen. Besides, your submission has been removed anyway.
Seems like a good deal, much better than the 1986 Alfa Spider that I was going to buy for 6800. Something else that's important though, as I'm sure you're aware of, if there aren't any part dealers near by, it could get expensive to keep it running; the main reason why I don't own that Alfa
I'd take it if I could for a reasonable price, but if I had the choice I'd rather import from Europe, personal preference of course, but it's alright
I noticed you posted a submission thread to the Wall coliseum contest. Have you decided the judges yet?