It got shut down. Some guy came in with the ability to mod OTHER people's servers, and everything went to hell real fast.
Dude, even though 9/11 is a serious topic, it happened 10 ****ing years ago. What is the difference between 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina? Hmm? What I'm saying is that it is a big deal, but once again, it was ten years ago. Not like it happened yesterday. Jizztastic
Good, there are some very cool people out there telling us the truth in front of our eyes. The only thing that most people need (like me) is a little somone to show them the way. So I try to give you something to start off with so that people atleast have another bit of information in there head, which gives yous wisdom, blah balh, and knowledge. So its like... **** CLimate reality project by al gore is on. LOLOL sorry got to listen. LIVE... Uhm... yeah, Great messages from great people. LINK TO MY BLOG FOR RANDOM PEOPLE LOOKING IN
You remind me of the babe. Start here and work your way up: Forge Hub - Conversation Between Reflex lon and Grif