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Jun 2, 2012 at 12:12 AM
Oct 27, 2010
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Smokemonster was last seen:
Jun 2, 2012
    1. Katanga
      Smoke! I thought I'd let you know I'm making a co-op puzzle map using Vehiculation. Thought I'd let you know because you're pretty much synonymous with co-op maps. If you ever want to take a look, I'd love for you to let me know what you think.
    2. Oli The G
      Oli The G
      You gotta get back to reach man, alpha zombies back next month, and a load of other crazy ****! We miss your maps ;-(
    3. bloody fetus
      bloody fetus
      sweet thanks , now time 4 fun on your great looking maps . i still maybe a fool, and it might be on purpose but in the [about me] section of your forge hub page says Smokemonster under gamertag.
    4. bloody fetus
      bloody fetus
      i might be a fool but your gamertag doesnt seem 2 exist , i want 2 play your maps.
    5. xXMB NLXx
      xXMB NLXx
      upside down one way shield and on top of it a normal shield door... have fun...
    6. Katanga
      Okay, you HAVE to show me how you made the Ghost shield bridge. I'd love to try and implement something like that into Ghostman 2, with credit to you of course. :)
    7. Katanga
      Of course, gamer tag is same as my username. :)

      As for the ghost bit, I knew about the wall climbing before your map, but that part was what made me consider a ghost-based puzzle. :)
    8. Katanga
      Thanks for the interest in Ghostman. I really appreciate it, since it was playing Blue Orchid that reignited my spark for puzzle maps. :)

      Anyway, with regards to a sequel (I don't want to bump the thread again), if I can create some more unique puzzles, then I definitely will. So far I've come across a trick using race, which can transform a vehicle into a ghost. I was annoyed at this at first, but I can think of some possible uses for it.

      Oh, and a sequel would have many many spawn points to allow multiple players.
    9. Ducky8624
      Hey man, I downloaded your Great Escape map... And its fantastic!! But, my friend and I are stuck on the second section of mines... Any hints you could give us??
    10. Jupiter
      Ok Ill try it out ty
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