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Oct 13, 2015 at 10:53 PM
Sep 29, 2010
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The Joker, from Central Virginia

Senior Member
Tallt66 was last seen:
Oct 13, 2015
    1. TDT Duke Nukem
      TDT Duke Nukem
      I added you on XBL :)
    2. xzamplez
      Absolutely, man. It's outrageous that they are okay with a map that displays such hateful symbolism.

      They think that giving me infractions will shut me up. Doesn't look like it's working.
    3. alreadyRogue
      Yeah he seemed like it from the video :)
      awesome opportunity, im super jealous right now
    4. alreadyRogue
      you talked with jeff steitzer??!??!!!
      i just saw your video
    5. broccollipie
      I meant the whole thing in total.
      Looks like it should be fine, now.
    6. broccollipie
      Your signature is 112 pixels too tall.
      Maximum height is 200 pixels.
      I thought I'd let you know before a moderator sees.
    7. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Directly above the Review Hub picture. As well, you have to realize that if 10 people steal from a candy shop, and then another tries and gets caught, he can't get away because the others did it before him. I'm not saying this is bad, but we're just trying to get people to stop being good Samaritans because they actually confuse newer members.

    8. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Leave map posts that do not have pictures up to the moderators. If you see one, report it and leave. DO NOT POST.
    9. timmypanic
      Thank you for your kind words :)
    10. Devil95
      there is some actual footage of BF3's Multiplayer though in horrible but thats besides the point.

      1. Go on Youtube
      2. Type in Battlefield 3 10 Mins of Multiplayer
      3. Enjoy 10 mins of Battlefield 3 :D
    11. Pstolwpdsnoman
      Hey, thanks your your feedback on my map. I'm glad you liked it. If you ever want to get some more people together for a bigger game on U~turn or anywhere else really PM me. Anyway thanks again.
    12. Tallt66
      Thanks man, I appreciate that. i usually don't talk about that kinda stuff in forums much because it desends into a bunch of name calling, but I guess I couldn't help myself this time lol. I don't know who is doing what out there, I just know we are being lied to all of the time now and it frustrates me that supposed intelligent people don't have a clue. I hate sheeple lol. Thanks for the encouragement :)
    13. Playerhata27
      Dude I truly respect the sources you put out and the evidence on the bin laden thread. It's hard for the majority of people to hear their goverment lies, and is wrong in some cases, especially the "BRAVE AND THE FREE" country. While I have no idea if it's actually factual it's great to have second opinions, so thank you also for not being a sheep lol.
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Central Virginia
    Office Manager
    A tall guy in his 30s who has followed Halo from day one, although I am a pretty casual player. Since the days of the Atari 2600 I have always enjoyed video games. I've had Atari, Nintendo, Sega, Playstation, and Xbox systems and have enjoyed them all! I've been married a couple of years now and have two dachshunds. My 15 minutes of fame was interviewing Halo multiplayer announcer Jeff Steizer over the phone in April of 2010. You can easily find my interview with him on Youtube.

    Video Games, PC, MAME, Video Editing


    Face to Face | RoBoT Playground
    I'm 6'6", 35 years old, my pants are too short, and I love to forge.
    Check out my Jeff Steizer phone interview