Dec 2, 2007
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Los Angeles
Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Why of course.
    2. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      O.o how do you get us mixed up? nothing of ours is alike lol
    3. Sgt Surchin
      Sgt Surchin
      i thought you would enjoy this picture a bit
    4. Bloo Jay
    5. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      To get the quality of my BG as a regular user, you need to use a .jpg.
    6. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Are you using a .png image?
    7. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
    8. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      /checks all post
    9. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      Oh lol what thread did I say it in, I don't even remember.
    10. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      ...well that wasn't random lol
    11. Grif
      You Sarge you think you could critique my map? Let me just flood your page with pictures of it.
    12. Naughty Zoot
      Naughty Zoot
      ...AND if I havent overloaded your inbox enough yet heres some of my old Halo3 stuff. Did some good maps back then.

      EVIL PETTING ZOO.infection w a story

      MIDTERM EXAM. Puzzle solving infection map.think fast

      POLTERGEIST. Infection

      TEAM FORTRESS2. Class-based CTF.

      stay cool
    13. Naughty Zoot
      Naughty Zoot
      REDBALLZ STADIUM. For griffball. Sprint and Jetpacks. you have actual OPTIONS on how to get around the Defense.

      SHIZGUN ALLEY. inspired by Longest/Elongation.Stripped down the geomtery for frame rate purposes.

      THE CARPET IS LAVA. Idea straight up stolen from ENDGAME: HELLBENT. 3/4 players. Slayer/infection.
    14. Naughty Zoot
      Naughty Zoot
      CQC Training Facility. Small with nooks and crannies. You can crouch/hide a little in the water ponds. Also set up as a close quarters weapons invasion game. Meant for small groups.

      DARKNESS. infection map.not my best.

      DARWIM AWARDS. Rocket race map. Doubles back on itself several times and jumps over itself too. Lots of opportunities to shoot at leaders even if they are 3/4 lap ahead.

      NEW JERSEY. Vehicles rain down. Designed to fill out a 3 person game with lots of participation from Gaurdians. heads up.
    15. Naughty Zoot
      Naughty Zoot
      AS for other stuff...I would go ahead and say that my other stuff probably wont impress. The other maps Ive made pretty much all are gameplay driven in design. Some of them still look pretty neat but they are lots less sculpted. Heres a run down of the best of them if its any interest:

      THUNDERDOME 4.0 random weapons,armor abilities...mayhem

      JENNA-CIDE. Only map of its kind that I know of. Red-vs-Blue CTF. The twist is my fiance sits up in the hills/buildings on a third team with bottomless clip and sniper/rocket and causes trouble. She's new to video games so we made this map so she could have a shooting gallery and not feel beaten down.
    16. Naughty Zoot
      Naughty Zoot
      Hey Sarge. Thanks again for the feedback. I have felt tired of the grey box maps for a long time...but Ive made them too.
      -Id like to see some of your machinima. Is any online yet?
      -As for story-able maps...Calatrava is definitely my best. It HAS a story of sorts and it has the most interesting vistas,etc. The start of phase 1 is one of my best (IMO) moments as far as creating story in a game. Red and blue teams start in very tight formation so at the start of each round you start running or jetpacking or whatever in this big attack group. IDK why Ive never seen that in any other map. When else do you have 7 other spartans on screen in a tight group charging an objective. anyway.
      It HAS been released (by me) and its only been downloaded 12 times so I dont know that its widely known or anything like that. If you were interested in it I would say go ahead and use it for machinima. Id also be happy to play it with you if that helps create some B-roll.It would be fun too.
    17. Naughty Zoot
      Naughty Zoot
      Thank you Sarge. _Im hoping your remarks werent sarcasm...haha. -Thats very nice of you. I put a lot of thought into the map and game, so your comment is very meaningful to me.

      -Now you're one of the Big guys here on forge hub right? Thats cool. You must be very involved then huh? Ive never been a community-involved guy. I just make maps in private and once in a while get to play them with some friends. Thank you for the recognition.
      I (like everyone else Im sure) have a whole series of games Id be interested in having people play. Maybe sometime I can get in a TGIF and if people are open to it, we could try a couple. -BTW, seems like maybe TGIF is off for this week? IDK. I dont know how the signups and things work. -Noob. I own that.
      Thanks again.
    18. Transactionzero
      I think I'm just going to hang myself now.
    19. Pegasi
      No indication either way so far. Obviously the community are pretty stoked about it, and just no bloom/the whole TU in general, so we'll see. I am 99% sure they'll at least use a bloomless DMR, and a Pistol seems reasonably likely imo.
    20. pyro
      Also it would be really helpful if you just critique anything I've done, at least in the shield doors section. I'm the kind of person who has the math mentality to figure stuff out but can't write well enough to explain anything in a way anyone can understand.
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****