Oakly HiDef
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Mar 15, 2013 at 10:34 PM
Jun 22, 2008
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"I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" -Ronald M

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Oakly HiDef

RivalMass, from Washington

Senior Member
Oakly HiDef was last seen:
Mar 15, 2013
    1. REMkings
      Hey Oakley, I have updated the map and gametype and the new versions are now in my fileshare! So you can check it out and see if it plays better now
    2. REMkings
      Thanks, I appreciate it that you respect my point of view as well :D
      Today I will rework the bumps the best I can, and I'll take another look at the killzones. Maybe I should use oneways after all if possible, but taking into consideration that I have 0$ left of my budget it would mean that I do have to delete some other stuff. I'll figure it out.
      I can also raise the health of the humans and see how it works
    3. REMkings
      ... The soft kills at the spawns are to prevent players from camping in there (since there's always only one entrance), but maybe I should try a teleporter system that will allow the zombies to choose where to spawn. I'm not sure, though..
      Floors could be smoother, I agree, I'll see what I can do.
      And you're right, at the moment the game ends too quickly. I'll try to give the humans more chance of survival. But I don't know if I should remove the invisibility, maybe I can think of motion sensors if you think I should.
      Maybe I should also give the humans twice as much health and have zombies hit them twice before infecting them. Do you think that this would work? And then have the last man standing also twice as much health so it would take four hits to kill him.

      Finally, don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your help!! I'm just a bit disappointed in myself, I thought the map was already on its way to be perfected but apparently not :( (4/4)
    4. REMkings
      ... Same goes for the feel of the map. I wanted the map to be stunning, frightening, thrilling. It's obvious humans should get such a feeling when walking around in an abandoned mine with zombies surrounding them. I made the distance between zombie and human initial spawns that short on purpose because I wanted to make the players rush from the very beginning of the game. That's also why I added power weapons such as the shotgun and the DMR at the human spawns, so some players can already grab a few weapons to fight off the first wave of zombies and protect their allies who couldn't already grab a shotgun. Once again: when not caring for your teammates some people will die as a result of that ( - by the way, I changed a few weapon spawns in the newest version of the map, it's on my fileshare. But it's not that different from the version you tested, the only changes that were made are some shotgun and DMR spawns at locations in the rest of the map - ) ... (3/4)
    5. REMkings
      ... In my map I tried to make it so important to work together that you WILL die if you go on your own. You simply will get infected when you enter the hallways of the mine with nobody beside you. I thought I had accomplished this, especially by using the invisibility for the zombies, but if you really think I should make it easier for the humans I can definitely take it into consideration. ... (2/4)
    6. REMkings
      I understand most of the statements below, but the players need to understand that this is not just a regular infection map like the Living Dead maps. I actually tried to make it a hard map, by making the zombies invisible and removing the motion sensor. I wanted this map to be a little bit more difficult for the humans than usual UNLESS they work together. In maps like Swordbase or your ZM_series players can hold out fairly well on their own if they wish to do so but eventually they'll get picked off. When cooperating with each other players make a better chance to survive. I'm not saying that those are bad maps, on the contrary I adore that kind of maps that offer you multiple ways of playing (but I hate Swordbase lol). But with my map I wanted to try something different. ... (1/4)
    7. REMkings
      That should work, how about somewhere between 10 AM and 2 PM (in your timezone) next Sunday? That would work out pretty well for me.
      I'm still on break this week so I have enough time to improve on things even more, if you would already test the new map + gametype with your friends sometime this week and have anything for me to improve, I'd have plenty of time to work on it :) (Even though I was sick last 2 days)
    8. REMkings
      Okay, I put them up so you can check it out:
      Map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
      Gametype: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
      And I have a request for you: Do you think it would be possible for me to join the final custom session if you were to feature it on THFE? (you can first test it without me, of course.) I would really love to join :)
      However, in that case we would have to make an arrangement since I live 6 hours ahead of you. Do you still have winter break? That makes quite a difference, I think
    9. REMkings
      I will tomorrow, can't play on the Xbox today :(
      You can watch some of the gameplay though, I did put a new video in my fileshare.
      What's your preference: do you want me to send you the links via YouTube / ForgeHub / Xbox Live?
    10. Psychoduck
      It was after 5:00 when I finally fell asleep... not sure why.
    11. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      This is an extremely slow reply, but I'll send you one tonight. Sorry about this, I completely didn't see your message from August 10th. I'm going to send you a friend request tonight if thats still okay?
    12. MCGreen24
      Nice new videos. They are great help, and its cool seeing creative new things that I don’t typically see. Tell Darth that too, MORE@! ....lol. I understand if other priorities get into the way but they are very good and helpful. PS My map I talked to you about helping me test sometime, got glitched up and accidentally deleted :( I also don’t have the right mindset to remake it, or make anything right now.
    13. Gamer123
      Yo can u help me make and infection map
    14. pyro
      You should fix the gamertag on your account.
    15. Pegasi
      Just came here to say the same as Blood lol. You should forward that picture on to BS Angel at some point, everyone knows she loves a good screenshot and it could end up on the 343 front page.
    16. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I was just on Darth Human's page and that picture you posted looks amazing. If it's not "that" secret I'd love to get a look at that!
    17. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Awesome! Yeah I usually have a full lobby everyday at least when I'm playing customs. Still been making games, I got a bunch of new ones I havn't finished yet that I can show. Plus I got MetaWaddleDee making maps for the THFE along with you and me. So the channel is doing great as well. 7000 views a day, over 2200 subs.

      I can't wait to see your latest map, I also want to start testing your new invasion map.
    18. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Thought about posting Bunker yet? A lot of people were expecting it to be done soon.
    19. Plasma Blades
      Plasma Blades
      As far as aesthetics and balance go, they're spot on; they're incredible. But they just don't seem to bring anything amazing to the table, as in, and this is only my opinion, nothing really set it apart from any other balanced free roam infection map. Granted, the aesthetics are GREAT, some of the best I've seen in any map, period. But aesthetics hardly factor into gameplay. One thing that could seriously help is a switch or two, maybe just some explosives. The two that were mutually exclusive from the others (as far as gameplay goes), were port (not sure if I have the name right, it's the one with the boats), and bunker. I never played the latter, but even in the forge-through I got the sense that it was distinct from the rest.

      I'm not sure how you want to do it, but you need to add something to the other maps that set them apart from others as far as the feeling they convey to the players.
    20. MattKestrel
      Yeah, definitely! Just put it on the Tester's Guild and we might be able to get a 16 player party going.
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    "I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" -Ronald M
    Oakley HiDef



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