Last Activity:
Feb 24, 2012 at 7:39 AM
Jun 30, 2011
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connivingbubble was last seen:
Feb 24, 2012
    1. Minister Muffin
      Minister Muffin
      Hey I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, but there's no need to be mean. There are many people throughout forgehub that have said much more... "mean" things to other people, but they mean no harm, like me. They were merely giving criticism for their maps. Criticism is what makes your maps better. If I were to say, "That map is amazing! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it or the thread!" that wouldn't help you out one bit. Now, I understand some people may not take criticism well, so if you don't want anyone to say anything about your thread, then just say so in your thread.

      Befor critisizing somone elses stuff see your own only two of your maps have good asthetics.
      THAT'S offending and hurtful.

      Thanks for the criticism. I saw some of your maps, though, and feel that some of the aesthetics on there aren't great.
      It would have been okay to say something like that.
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