Oh, well when ever that new day comes, I will post lots more of info andd what not, but people need to understand how serious this is.
Wait, I don't understand if you were calling me retarded or them, but if you want I can post this like the friday before the Remembrance.
You brought up the problem of people banned from other sites like mlg coming here, and I wondered why we don't have some way to share banned members with other communities so they migh lose privileges multiple places for dipshittery in one. Maybe based on signup email, ip, and gamertag. Think of what casinos do.
Is that funny or something? Its the biggest reach for a nickname anyone has given me. Its like if I were to call you chuck; I can justify it with the rhyme, but it still makes no sense. At least do something creative, like Tz's 'Flex Lion,' or what everyone else calls me, Yoyo.
Could you delete all the html posts or quotes of your html posts in the review hub central discussion thread. Every time I click on the last page it redirects me to the page before and the last post I see is your empty post.