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Jan 13, 2012 at 3:49 PM
Oct 12, 2010
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Texas, Fort Worth
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Forerunner, from Texas, Fort Worth

hollow123 was last seen:
Jan 13, 2012
    1. hollow123
      So I'v finally came back after a long take away from this site. Nice to everyone again. Great job to all!
    2. Yobo
      Dude, you should check out my new map Mineral, trust me, you will NOT regret it.
    3. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Hey you should take a look at my new map Aeacus. I remember you commenting on my earlier maps and you always gave good feedback. I have hopefully improved as a forger, and I was hoping that you could get a game on this and tell me what you think. The map is created for 1v1s or 2v2s so either will play fine. Thanks in advance.
    4. hollow123
      Man it sucks I'v been so stocked on my maps and game modes I haven't been able to actually play Reach for so long or even hook up a match with a friend. lol I guess at least I'm having fun so it's not all poo. :)
    5. Riverpeace
      Man I hear you make sweet maps, have you ever tried getting ideas from terraria or minecraft or another sandbox game?
    6. Yobo
      Dude, I just finished my new 1v1 map, it's one of my best maps. If you are free, message me and I will hook you up with some 1v1 matches on my new map.
    7. Yobo
      check out my new map Svage, it's a close combat map.
      Add me as friend, I sent you a friend request on Xbox live, Gamertag's SinlessLegend.
    8. Eightball
      It's a possibility, but I don't even have any ideas for a mini game, yet alone how to make one.
    9. Yobo
      Hey, dude I made a new close combat map,it got a gravity hammer and two concussion rifles. You can test it tommorow and give me some advices on the map. It's called Savage. You can send me a friend request on Xbox live, My gamertag is SinlessLegend.
    10. Eightball
      Thanks man, I appreciate the comments.
    11. Eightball
      I've a new map out go and check it out man.
    12. hollow123
      So I have a new and very sketchy idea for a map. Details are sparse, because I rather not spoil the idea or have it stolen, but heres a basic idea:
      It will be a "Big team Slayer" and/or any other large game modes. The map will have a open feel to it and be a large out door mostly scaled map. I intend to have a concept of lock doors to use in the map to change up the game play to. I don't have any other real ideas to go with this and again this is an idea a date is probably never gonna come out for this ( just like the PSN >:O ). ANY IDEAS YOU HAVE FOR THIS WOULD BE NICE TO HEAR! :D
    13. hollow123
      Well so I got a "Invasion" map set up, but I can't really get the spawns to work. If you know how to help me with this problem it be much appreciated so I can get this up on "ForgeHub" already! :D
    14. hollow123
      ...by "it" I ment my map. Sorry for not clearing that up. lol
    15. hollow123
      Well 360's not working so it might take me a little while longer to get it up hopefully I can get it working on Sunday or Monday! :P
    16. Eightball
      Nice man, I really look forward to seeing what your finished product is.
    17. hollow123
      Well my map is done just need to post it to Forgehub probably gonna do it on Friday! :P
    18. hollow123
      Man i need to get started on my new map already, but theres so much things to do! Well I'll try people to get it up soon, but no promise about a date yet and trust me this will be a pretty large scale challenge! :P lol
    19. Eightball
      Don't worry about beging conceded, if you're a good forger don't hesitate to let the world know.
    20. hollow123
      Ahhhhh.... I miss being allowed to post comments, but i guess in a way I deserve this for not being as direct with some of them. Still it does seem that "Forgehub" can be kinda harsh with this, I understand the purpose of it all, but I mean if all I was posting was a kind comment irreverent to the post then I think they could at least not be that harsh to it. I guess I can understand though, but i still wish i could be allowed to comment again, cause I see room for some good critizm on some maps! lol :)
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  • About

    Texas, Fort Worth
    Friends with other incorporated! :)
    Hello my friends, wonderful day! :D

    Also I am currently 15, I don't know if that bothers you people that I can make maps better than you guys! ;)

    Artist, Comedian, Friend