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Aug 11, 2013 at 2:51 AM
Jan 26, 2009
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Jun 26, 1997 (Age: 27)
South Carolina :D
Sitting down on my couch and playing halo

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Ancient, from South Carolina :D

Senior Member
GruntHunter was last seen:
Aug 11, 2013
    1. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Yeah, I believe that is the same time for me. I'm not that good with time zones, but I believe we are both eastern time zones.
    2. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      I was on Saturday for a few hours, but you weren't on. I was also on today a little, but you never seem to be on when I'm on.
    3. Neoshadow
      I'm sorry, it's just that James dude posted something retarded, and then the Skyrim thread and then...*Cries*
    4. Neoshadow
      :O Shiiit

      Also, it is. Srs. I just got it this morning, and I have no MS points.
    5. MCGreen24
      Casual testers is not opperated, and reb v blue customs is kinda getting boring to me. And yes they are, just that Testers guild, but smaller.
    6. TheOlympusPrime
    7. TheOlympusPrime
      Alright! Is it gonna be aesthetic, or playable?
    8. TheOlympusPrime
      The map with that 'flying machine'
    9. Neoshadow
      O.O That fits quite well actually. When you change your name though, is your username relieved?

      My friend changed his username a while back, and when he went to change it back to the original, it said it was already taken.

      Which means 2.0 would not only be badass, but convenient too...O.o
    10. Neoshadow
      Yeah, I really like GruntHunter, and then your sig would fit with both your GT and username too, which is convenient.

      Neoshadow is on the list of Dead GT's that MS are slowly reviving, so I'm waiting for them to revive it before changing mine.
    11. Neoshadow


      But seriously, GruntHunter is a pretty cool name, I'd go with that.
    12. Neoshadow
      I still don't have a copy of Oblivion...

      Not that it matters, no one replied...:(

      If you wanted to do a playthrough of the game from the beginning while just talking about Skyrim, maybe me you and maybe just a couple of other people, I'd be down for it after I get myself a copy.
    13. TheOlympusPrime
      We need to finish up that map,
    14. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      The new Forge Hub Favorites XXI:Nominations are up. Make sure that you don't forget to vote.
    15. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Good, I'm glad that you got it. You never know if it actually sent to the right person.
    16. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      My New Map Aeacus
    17. DunkinMyCookies
      lol... it looked like any Wiki page. Also, I doubt you'd have done all of that research yourself.
    18. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      When a set of events comes to pass.

      First; you stop asking.
      Second; you go above and beyond and prove that you have the skills needed.
      Third; you show a maturity that is more than expected.
      Fourth; we actually need a new guardian.
      Fifth; ???
      Sixth; Profit.
    19. TehxWalrii
      If you live in Alabama near Dothan then, yeah. The second part is really personal opinion though.
    20. Bloo Jay
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  • About

    Jun 26, 1997 (Age: 27)
    South Carolina :D
    Sitting down on my couch and playing halo
    White DuctTape
    Hey guys, the name is GruntHunter, but you can call me Zach, Grunt, White DuctTape, Tape, White Tape, or all of the above. Ummm lets see, I like to play airsoft, paintball, football, and my bass. I'm 15 years of age, but I pretty chill (Unless I have had a monster recently, then go crazy!) Well I guess that's it, so peace! Oh, and I'm a Christian! :)

    I love Minecraft and SWTOR <3

    Forging, and playin my bass!
