Dark Maltos
Last Activity:
Feb 10, 2012 at 3:50 PM
Dec 19, 2010
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Chester, UK

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Dark Maltos

Forerunner, from Chester, UK

Dark Maltos was last seen:
Feb 10, 2012
    1. firedune
      Well, i've tested out my idea with your map. Your map has a good design, but lacks cover. Also, there are no obvious ways to get down to the lower part of the map. Anyway, back to what I've done. The ideas that I put in your map, i've transferred over to my previous map, incubation 2.4. It's now called Incubasis, yet I still need some help with the spawning. It may remind you od Rat's nest now, due to the outer warthog track. I have a whole 45 budget now. If you want to check it out, and possibly help a bit, PM me on my XBL account Which is:
      GT: firedune22.
      I'm usually available at 8:00 EST
    2. firedune
      Hey there. I just going to let you know, i'm going to be using your map 'Complex' (albeit heavily edited) as a "quick stat" template for a map idea I have. This is just for gameplay purposes, as i'm stumped for an infantry playing field of my own. I'll give you some credit for the start, but the final priduct will be mine. If you'd like to help me (and get credit), i'll be willing to have a "dual-forged" map.
      My Gamertag is firedune22, so send a message to my GT if you're interested.
      (P.S. try and have a mic if possible)
    3. timmypanic
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    Chester, UK
    Dark Maltos
    Football, XBOX,