Randle Scandal
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Feb 3, 2023 at 11:56 AM
Jun 8, 2008
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Oct 16, 1991 (Age: 33)
Planet Telex

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Randle Scandal

Ancient, from Planet Telex

Senior Member
Randle Scandal was last seen:
Feb 3, 2023
    1. stin10
    2. blastzone5
      wow that sounds like a great story... hope the maps good... good luck to you.
    3. Pennywiez
      hwy scandal thanks for the thing about the spell check i didnt even realize it was spelt wrong
      also i am canadian so it may be spelt different american if you are
    4. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      the second half will be released upon the maps release
    5. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      20 years past the end of the Covenant War. To further peaceful relations with humans the Arbiter suggested a new Superior soldier training program to make a new branch of the joint military of Elites and Humans. They called this E.R.S (Elite Reconaissence Soldiers). The humans accepted this with open arms introducing Mjolnir Armor for Elites as well as Humans for ERS.
      You are awoken by the dull ringing of your helmet alarm. Groggily going out of bed you put on your helmet to see what the HUD had to say. Just as you thought, an urgent mission sent by command. You shake away the grogginess and quickly grab your field weapon, the magnum.

      Upon arriving you see several other Soldiers surrounding the room at command. Admiral Pearson with his normal sly smile looks toward you, and nods his head quickly shouting

      "That's everyone right Forman?"

      You look to the left to see Private Forman sitting at his desk, busily working on some computer program.

      "Yessir!" You hear Forman say, obviously still concentrating on his program for the mission.

      You look toward Admiral Pearson who begins by saying "Soldiers! We have received a report that ERS 906 has gone rogue. He's holed up in a shabby base off on a distant planet. He was known for setting traps, so watch out!"

      "Sir, what vehicle will we be taking there, sir!" You ask the Admiral.

      "No vehicles, we were able to get a teleporter sent for you."

      "Sir, what kind of weapons are we going to receive, sir?" You hear one of your fellow teammates ask. The Admiral look changes from his normal smirk to a stern look,

      "Sadly, upon request of the teleporter they will not allow us to give you any extra weapons." many of the ERS's look around scared of what is to come.

      Seeing their fear the Admiral says, "If I thought you were going to have weapon trouble I would have had a Phantom sent for you. This should be a fairly simple mission." Even though he tries to make it seem better you still feel uneasy about the mission, and you hear the Admiral tell everyone to move out. You check the magazine on your magnum, content you turn off the safety and head toward the teleporter room.

      Over the speakers you hear Private Forman say, "Teleporter loading up. Check. Ready to leave!" The soft green glow of the teleporter is seen and you head strait into it, waiting to see what doom lies beyond the ominous green pillar...
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  • About

    Oct 16, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Planet Telex
    Randle Scandal
    Well, I'm Randy Campbell, and I enjoy music, and hanging with friends... yeah

