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Feb 11, 2021 at 4:47 AM
Oct 23, 2010
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somewhere over the rainbow
I'd tell u but I'd have to kill you

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Forerunner, from somewhere over the rainbow

Senior Member
timmypanic was last seen:
Feb 11, 2021
    1. RoboArtist
      hey. working any maps lately? i havent seen you post one in a while
    2. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      I see you around the forums a lot, and I know you incorporate a lot of crazy aesthetics into your maps so I was wondering if you've had a chance to look at my new map Aeacus. It is the first competitive map that I have seen to incorporate an actual fire into a map. If you haven't seen it, I think you would really enjoy it.
    3. Eightball
      No worries man. As a friend, I'm giving you my thoughts. You really are a great forger, just try to forge something else.

      Anyways, I need to re-add you on XBL. I can't believe you're not on my friends list :/ I got a new account- Long story.
    4. Devil95
      I would like to test out your ghost town & lagitaph maps. I've been waiting for a amazing remake of both. Nice work, Keep it up! :D
    5. Tallt66
      I just wanted to tell you as of now you are my 1# most respected forger. You are very talented, you never smart off at others, and you take criticism very well and graciously. I appreicate how you respond to just about anybody who communicates with you as well. Thanks for your example, and I'd like to be your friend if that's ok.
    6. RoboArtist
    7. timmypanic
    8. Stevo
      In reply to your post in diadem: It might be the way you look at your screen.. I'm sat eye level on Reach Dark Fixed theme and the text is easily readable for me? :S
    9. Eightball
      Thanks man, I appreciate it :)
    10. timmypanic
      Please check out my latest map Enigma
    11. Eightball
      I would really like to show you my new map, Lune sometime when you're not busy. If you want .
    12. Caucasian Invasion
      Caucasian Invasion
      Hey man! Check out my new map in competitive, its called Crystal Pier.
    13. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Every offending post I see will be taken care of. And I agree with you, the more posts the more spam by far. Your thread had a ton of posts, because it is very popular.

      I believe I only deleted about seven on Cold Storage. The other two FHF maps had upwards of fifteen.

      But yeah, I do agree with you completely; everybody needs to be treated equally. I wish I could say that I have the time to go through and read every single comment, but I simply don't. It would take far too much time.
    14. RoboArtist
      lol i was reported for replying to your cold storage map (that i posted Days ago).
      this is the post:
      "After seeing this, im glad you released it. its a good map that im sure the community will enjoy.
      the layout is perfect, and it beats the other remakes by a longshot in aesthetics.
      Great job man"
      its sad that people are going around ancient comments to report...
    15. SquidMan33
    16. Eightball
      Thanks for the FHF nomination. I really appeciate it.
    17. Eightball
      I knew you'd win. Congrats man. You deserve it.
    18. Eightball
      I'll check it out now.
    19. Eightball
      Goodluck on the FHF man! I hope you win.
    20. timmypanic
      Please check out my map preview of Citadel.
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  • About

    somewhere over the rainbow
    I'd tell u but I'd have to kill you
    Accomplished forger, remakes to date: narrows, citadel, isolation, ghost town, cold storage. The Ark , covenant assault carrier, wonders of world completed: petra treasury, Easter island, the pyramids and sphinx. Other remakes, gridlock, mortal kombat, futurama, saw puzzle map. Non halo the spire, adrenaline, halo spire, meat grinder, refection manor, sol industrial, eruption, spherical, double drop, turbine.
    FHF cold storage

    gaming & forge.


    Please check out my maps:
    The Ark Invasion / Mortal Kombat