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Feb 13, 2013 at 12:43 AM
Mar 1, 2010
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broccollipie was last seen:
Feb 13, 2013
    1. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Hey, I'm going to toss you a F/R on XBL if that's cool?
    2. Shad0w Viper
    3. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Yeah I said 3:30 is gud. Derp less smash em.
    4. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Yeh I guess 3:30 is fine
    5. pyro
      There's a chance I'll be on tonight.

      You'll see
    6. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Err um Ill try
    7. pyro
      Me too.
      Because of all the sharp corners and thin walls, I doubt spawning will work well on annex without respawn zones. I can always be wrong.
      Are shenanigans frowned upon in the 5k contest?
    8. alreadyRogue
      you know how we had that problem concerning blue team sitting on the track, well, i think I have a solution to that problem as well as others:
      we have a box above the map with several vehical mancannons facing downwards, with a reciever node underneath it. The reciever node from the end of the mechanism sends you there, so people who are armor locked are fine, but people who arent die.
      Then on the actual track area, we have a sender (human only) that only gets people who are not crouched (blue team) and sends them to the box to be killed.
      We would have to make the track flat, and i would suggest removing the 4 pits
    9. Adelyss
      Yeahhh dudeeee?
    10. pyro
      Out of curiosity what method are you using now?
      It looked like the method of grouping different hallways and rooms with respawn areas would work well. It takes some experience and help to get it to work really well. Generally it causes people to spawn with their teammates but can pull off more complicated stuff pretty easily
    11. pyro
      I heard annex spawning is being mean. I'm back in h town so I can help with that stuff sometime tomorrow hopefully.
    12. Confused Flamingo
    13. pyro
      I was kinda hoping the map would be on his fileshare so I could copy it to mine and be like lol fail stevo.
    14. Stevo
      lol... I'll pm you it.
    15. pyro
      Edit: skyped
      Stevo, =P
    16. cluckinho
      Well I think it has something to with a URL for image shack but idk

      Nvm I just viewed the thread and figured out that you knew that lol.
    17. Stevo
      The easiest way to do this is to start from the begining, because if you **** up the indexing from the start, you've cocked up the entire translation. So considering you know the value 3C526H17A:// is http://, locate the H, T, T and P in the text (in order) that have value references.

      I can't remember if I told you, but the part before the code tells you how to organise the context before even looking at the code.

      enumerator = 8
      Ignore all orange values.
    18. cluckinho
      If ya wanna see didact, look at steves recent screenshots
    19. alreadyRogue
      Lapse of judgement, wont happen again, I apologize, I deleted my new version.
      I promise, no, I swear, no work will be done without you
    20. alreadyRogue
      I moved the shield doors slightly, and edited some gametype settings
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