Darth Human
Last Activity:
Aug 12, 2019 at 3:52 PM
Sep 27, 2010
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Darth Human

Guy from Reach

Senior Member
Darth Human was last seen:
Aug 12, 2019
    1. cluckinho
      Hey would you consider accepting a game I made for your forge channel? If not, I understand you would like to keep it your own work. Thanks.
    2. MetaWaddleDee

      just, perfect bro.
    3. MetaWaddleDee
      Your avatar looks horrible bro, seriously just go for something a little more professional.

      For me?
    4. PacMonster1
      Hey darth, if you're going to be on later tonight could I get you to put together one of your 16 people lobbies you get together so well :P I need to test a map for review hub. The problem though is the map is really kinda ****...but I gotta test it at least once.
    5. Naughty Badger
      Naughty Badger
      Hey I made a map based off of Forsaken Lagoon and i made it in your map Deepest Liveable Water. Before I make it public I wanted to ask for your permission to post it. In the post I will say thanks to you for DLW and FSL. I will also provide a link to FSL's thread. I may post a bungie link to DLW but I am not sure if you would want that. Please message me back about all of my questions. Basically the map is 5x1 and 3x1 blocks like a weird catwalk. The sharks have extra jump and are out of the battlefield above water. The humans have 75% jump and can go in water or on land but if they fall in the water, there is no way back up. As for radar I qould like to know how you made the waypoints above the humans heads. I have tried but cannot do it. Well thats it, once again please message me back and if you want I will try to send you some overviews ASAP.
    6. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Hey, if you are free tonight I may need to get some testing done. The playlist invasion map is done and tweaked after preliminary testing as well as the Pillar of Autumn invasion map.
    7. Spawn of Saltine
      Spawn of Saltine
      Thanks for the Yahtzee Vid. Really makes me happy to see that some people enjoy playing it and continue to play it :)
    8. pyro
      Nvm everythings working fine
    9. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      hey hope you had a nice mini vacation. Ive been working on alot of stuff. More videos are on the way and I have a new secret project in the works. May need your help to make the perfect gametype


    10. xSharpshooter94
    11. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      have fun at the family gathering. Your channel is picking up so much speed its insane. Almost like the warthogs on "speed"

      Just though we should feed the fire and release a few more videos soon to get more people hooked. Ive got enough stuff for 4 videos and will continue to pump em out. When you get back we should talk about a strategy to release these
    12. xSharpshooter94
      lol what did you edit?
    13. Skater
      Dude congrats on RoosterTeeth showcasing your map. You really are a legit genius for that map.
    14. Pegasi
      Further to Sharp's VM, dunno if you knew but said Rooster Teeth video of your map made it on to the front page of Reddit. I was at my friend's house and he was like "You like Halo, watch this" and I lol'd when it turned out it was your map. Had a forge hipster moment.
    15. xSharpshooter94
      so rooster teeth gave your map a promo eh?
    16. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      sent you the audio today for three videos. Just checkin to make sure they went through and the formatting was ok
    17. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      im gonna get on live soon, hoping we can get some recording done
    18. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Wanted to propose something for your youtube channel. I sent a message to you youtube account with more details. Basically though I was just suggesting that you come out with videos in a more orderly fashion. Once you choose what types of videos you want you could share upcoming playlists with people on your channel by posting bulletins at the end of every video or something.

      Here is something I came up with in a couple minutes

    19. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Hey, ive spent a pretty good amount of time forging yesterday. Zeus helped me build a map I had sketched out on my flight back from europe. Its an infection map with 5 levels. In each level you have to hold out for 1 min 30 sec before a teleporter will take you to the new area. Each level gets a bit harder. Its basically a challenge map which requires lots of teamwork to get to the end.

      Hopefully I can show you sometime tomorrow. I'll be free till about noon east coast time and then should be back on later in the day like maybe 8-10 ish pm
    20. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Ive been away for awhile and will be heading bck to the states. Should be home in 2-3 days though. Havent played halo in a while and wanted to know if you were still going strong with customs. I may try to join you.

      Also I can try and help with any maps you may have. May need to show you my latest infection map. Im not sure you've seen the cave one yet
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