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Mar 1, 2015 at 8:00 PM
Jan 20, 2008
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Sep 1, 1985 (Age: 39)
Home Page:
San Diego, CA

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RIP, from San Diego, CA

Senior Member
LIGHTSOUT225 was last seen:
Mar 1, 2015
    1. Diminished814
      I saw that you commented on blazes map curbstomp. he was excited to see your reply, but i didnt see anything on there other then about the link. i helped him out a bit on the map just a few game thingys, but i helped. =] if you did like it, you are going to have a blast with his new stuff. ITS Cr@zY.
    2. kayaman132
      Total Posts: 1,000
      W00T W00T!
    3. xMBMAxPureEvil
      lights im wondering if I can get my sig bigger it seems that everyone has such a biger sig then me but if i add like 1 thing more it says full is it because of my link to my maps???
    4. kayaman132
      Yeah, some one really needs to clean up the maps section, it's turned into a spam forum.
    5. Nemihara
    6. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Hey man. Sorry I haven't been on much lately, just a lot of stress and work to deal with. I'm dying to play some RR however so we need to do that. I am going to be on Thursday night,hope to see you on.
    7. Nemihara
      liek, o mai gawd, can i bee ur friend???
    8. Blaze
      im sry. i have the link up now if you didnt get to check.
    9. wells.jack
      I would like to sugest an event on forge hub that would coencide with the Summer Olymics in this year. Forge hub could host a halo olymics of a type where teams selected by national origin could compete against each other just like in the upcomeing olympic games. some of the events could include CTF, team oddball, team slayer, team king of the hill, vip, and mongoose raceing. Naturaly maps would have to be created for the events. the maps could be either from previous content or from new submissions entered specificaly for the games. this would likely bring out alot of great talent that we saw during both the Shell Shocked compition and during the 1 Vs 1 Tounament. Im sure that this could become a great event and that if anyone could make it work it would be Forgehub. thank you and you can contact me at
    10. the whyher
      the whyher
      i found out when, and saw the pics of chill out... thats sick, had to work, well if you do roll give me a call, you in sd still? if so you should hang, the girl is out of town so free for a day
    11. the whyher
      the whyher
      whats up, you know when it starts tomorrow, mlg...
    12. th2mods
      thanks man, expect more :D
    13. th2mods
      hey man
      how's it going?
    14. the whyher
      the whyher
      can you look it up, you have that power???
    15. the whyher
      the whyher
      I just replied to you in a report!!!! LOLOL what a nub, i told you i dont know what im doing... HAHAH
    16. the whyher
      the whyher
      whats up, where is the shout box? are you going to go to the MLG thing in SD?
    17. RANDY M47
      RANDY M47
      i never said hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!! dats funny...... did i really say that ?????
    18. DRiSCOLL
      likeing the new avatar
    19. Blaze
      i love you lights... just thought id tell you that. lol
    20. Cart3r0
      Check out a map I have called narrows v2 it's on my file share (gamer tag: CART3R0)
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  • About

    Sep 1, 1985 (Age: 39)
    Home Page:
    San Diego, CA
    Have, and will continue to kick cancer's ass.

    My interests include working hard, girls, beer, and halo