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Feb 10, 2012 at 1:50 PM
Nov 2, 2010
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ShKai was last seen:
Feb 10, 2012
    1. wErod93
      I saw your group testing out others maps. Then there is on map, made by me, which you find in my file share. Called: Amarillo . Gamertag: wErod93 . It is a slayer based map, can be played with Crazy king. Balanced map. Love to get some respons. Thanks!
    2. Tom R Toes
      Tom R Toes
      Hi there my name is Roricsseal and i was just thinking what is your group all about
    3. ty13rm0rr15
      Hey I just wanted to let you know that I created a website for our group. And if you'd like to come join and i can make you the leader. heres the link Topic: JOIN - TY13RM0RR15
    4. MCGreen24
      Haha yeah, hmmmm. Another thing with the posts on the group forum is that after ive posted, if I were to repost, it wouldnt have a notification for other players because I just posted. So that why I did post that to you VM. You make me feel like a **** for telling him to post somwhere else now lol.
    5. MCGreen24
      I ment it to be more of a casual quetion, plus I feel like im commenting the crap out of our group haha. But Ill put it in a post.
    6. MCGreen24
      I just made a new gametype that has to do with one bomb. The only difference for non-bomb carriers is the loadouts include jetpack and evade rather than active camo and drop shield.

      As for the bomb carrier, he has good camo, 200% speed, 150% jump height, and 75% gravity. BUT he has 50% damage resistance and no shields. Your can AR the carrier nearly halfway across my newest map, BUT ts harder to see him.

      The plant timer is Instant, BUT you get 20 seconds to defuse, the time it takes to defuse is 5 seconds.

      Me and aScreeNCheeTeR tested the map and gametype out untill it was felt right. ShKai we can test it too but I think if this was a playable gametype, me and screen got it down.

      I dont know what my newest map will be called but im done with it. Its pretty sweet.
    7. washableMango
      Hey, I was told in the group Casual Testers to move over to Red v Blue Customs. just letting you know.
    8. MCGreen24
      Oh, i didnt know you were online or whatever.
    9. MCGreen24
      I take that back, not Vertigo, it seems there are like 20 Vertigo's in Forgehub.
    10. MCGreen24
      If you havent seen Overgrowth, dont think you have, Then ill tell you it has a crashed pelican.
    11. MCGreen24
      I have alittle, pelican is better, small side platform added. The only problem with overgrowth is that it really cant improve much without completely redueing the rocks, or middle structure. With I will probably do, but I dont have the passion for that map right now lol. "Vertigo" whcih might be this new map name, is uber pimp, I think. Im trying tog et sugar to review it for me, so I can see what another person thinks of it.
    12. MCGreen24
      hey my XB Live connection is going wack. I accully have almost fineshed another map, dont know what to call it, but i do want to add it into the playlist. Do you have time tommarro? Im sure my connection will be back by then.
    13. ty13rm0rr15
      hey are we doin firefight fridays tonight? if so when?
    14. MindField 51
      MindField 51
      Hey I was recommended by McGreen24 to join your group. I played with you once I believe, on your map Exiguous I think. So I just want to know if I can be accepted into your group.
    15. MCGreen24
      I suggest you switch the 10 for not dieing to Sets without a death, not dieing a whole game is really hard.
    16. MCGreen24
      Hey ShKai, once again I've thought about leading some custom games. I would use the gametpyes we played yesterday, and maybe think of some other varients close to those. If you would let me go through with this I could post dates/what we would play, and post the recap in the format you have already done. It would be cool if we would get exp for the games I start up. (ofcourse you see what we played from the recent games on my bungie profile) What I was thinking of is starting a 2v2 lobby, just 4 people playing on 2v2 maps, or smaller maps. I have a few in mind. Maybe afterwards get some of my random friends in, or get more FH group members to join and play some small FFA gametypes like Ninjanaut, Short Fuse, ect.

      MSG me back telling me what you think.
      Mcgreen24 told me to join this group
    18. aScreeNCHeeTeR
      Hey, this is MCGreen24's friend. He recommened me to your group.
    19. MCGreen24
      Lol?? Somone posted a map named Vangaurd and its not you. I would check that out.
    20. Sugar
      Hey, I will do some review team work if possible.
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