Soul Slasher
Last Activity:
May 8, 2013 at 6:43 PM
Sep 30, 2010
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Secret custom title.
Sitting in mah house

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Soul Slasher

Forerunner, from Secret custom title.

Soul Slasher was last seen:
May 8, 2013
    1. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Did you get any new screenshots for me to work with?
    2. Psychoduck
      Umm... what?
    3. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Here is your feedback. I haven't started your sig yet, but I think I know what I'm going to do. I still need you to send me a few more pics for me to use.
    4. Audienceofone
      Soon Project Cyclone (it will be named it official name by that time) will need another test. I have moved it to a new location, altered all of the play space, and changed kill zones. This has been a massive revisement to fix the issues presented, and I think it did end up quite well. Since you helped me test version 8, I would like you to test version 8.1 if you dont mind, you will notice the changes rather than someone who hasnt played the prior version. The post is not up yet, but if you agree I will notify you when it is.
    5. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      I got my post updated all the way so if you want to get the latest version it is up. In version III I added the Banshee outside, fixed the door to the purple hallway, changed the explosion to every 12 seconds, and I widened the purple hallway a bit. I doubt that anyone will notice that I widened it, but you can check it out in the seventh picture.
    6. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Hey, I'm going to need more than that one pic to make your sig. Plus if you have some without text that would be nice. It adds a lot more work if I have to get rid of the text.
    7. Psychoduck
    8. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      I'm mad that you didn't get on the FHF. Your map deserved to be up on that list. I guess the Forge Hub community prefers mini games and puzzles to competitive maps.
    9. Berb
      Um, if you can just extend it a tad so i can see the text properly it will be perfect
    10. Berb
      That one is pretty cool but i think the banner shoukd be thin, like the $5000 contest banner
    11. Berb
      Soul Slasher make a proper one or not make one at all
    12. Berb
      No, no hovercats.
      Just do some truly epic reach battle thing for the banner
    13. Berb
      Ok make it a super awesomesauce one then
    14. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Stone maybe, I don't know but I will think. I will keep ideas from it but overall we agree that it isn't what we were looking for.
    15. Eightball
    16. Eightball
      Your thumbnail img for phantom is driving me crazy!

      Lololol :p
    17. AD Records
      AD Records
      frikkin beautiful.
    18. Berb
      hey bro wats ur minecraft username? im trying to get you in a spot on a new server
    19. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      I have a few, maybe a 8-12 player map so I have room to do some layout awesomeness and you have budget for aesthetics still? Seems like you have contributed some to my last 5 or 6 maps though, so I think we can make it work.
    20. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Hey SSX (wait, snowboarding?) after I get done with my current projects and you with Phantom, want to do a co-forge? I have never done one but I think together we could make a sick map. Talk to you later.
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  • About

    Secret custom title.
    Sitting in mah house
    Soul Slasher X




    Thanks to Knight of Order for the sig.​