in the 'review hub to-do list' there's a map called Cove in the waiting list. That's a modded map and the thread was locked. You should probably remove that map from the list.
You test fo' yo' Review yet? I still need to do that and if you haven't, I can haz co-host lobby pl0x?
Tz said to tell you to tell him alreadyRogue is out of the Review Hub. It seems he doesn't trust my word.
Yeah lol, three out of the four candidates sent me the article. There were minor mistakes in spelling and grammar, but the context was good. I personally liked the style of another member a bit more, but it's more so upto the admins on who gets the position and the actual article is only a small part of the reason to choose the member.
I haven't a clue. He said he's been on the site for around 6 months and he was interested in becoming a Journalist, so I pointed him in the right directions to do so which happens to be him going through the Review Hub :)
Theme of the week is courage the cowardly dog. Get a character from the show and make a 100x100 Sig with a black background. Yer either wit us er again us Organite :P
I realized I don't have you friended on XBL, zo I zent a friend requezt. I'll be back on for more of thiz epic battle in about ten hourz. Maybe a little more.