Yeah, its a shame, but I appreciate that your an optimist despite the fact. Thats a real admirable trait that I most definitely lack.
Yeah, but unfortunately many of the forgers who make these beautiful aesthetic maps are too stubborn to make the changes needed to reduce frame rate issues. While others simply just aren't structured in a way that promotes competitive game play. Unfortunately, most of these pretty maps need to be laid down to pasture.
Dude, I understand aesthetics are what draw players in to download a map, but please refrain from commenting or praising a map until you actually play it. Your helping to flood this forum with garbage when you bump maps just because they're pretty.
Really? not seen any other fires or any released maps on the new forge location. Where did you see other fires lol! My fire looks ok but the lighting to justify having a fire makes the stage too dark so I may not follow that preview through... see how it goes.. will probably have it ready for tomorrow either way.
Sure, I took it off because I was planning on fixing it up a bit but I'll add it to my file share again so you can download it.
I thank you for your enthusiasm about my map! It was a ton of fun making that beast (too many versions to count). I do not co-forge often (I will peak into peoples work vice-versa but not full on projects) but I do love me some custom games! We'll have to get a room going sometime. You can get a sneak peak at sub-system.
hey man it sucks our connection couldnt work if you ever have a friend on that people can always join you should try and get him to start a party and ill try and join or vice versa