Dis thread: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-casual-maps/129154-d-day-storm-beach-normandy.html Pretty sure it's all proxies. All the dudes that replied, bar the Samilicious guy, came into the chatbox one by one talking about the map one after another. A few minutes after it all started, the author appeared, just after the last guy left, bragging about how people are talking about his map in the chatbox. But the chats had already left the box at this time, so he couldn't have known. /CSI
I hate new members that post on maps saying things like "you need a mininum of 3 pix" or "u ned too have at leest 3 pargarphs desricption" when they really have no idea of the rules themselves.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/89838-forge-hub-rank-system.html broccollipie ► Loyal: TG Member Arctic Hunter ► Registered User SargeantSarcasm ► Architect Your name links to reflex ion not reflex lon. Nibs' name links to nlbbles not nibbles. Stupid similar looking letters. :P
You probably missed all my old reporting sprees while you were a journo. The report cooldown gets really annoying.
If you're into fixing stuff you could go update the fh rank system thread. Custom content forum's looked a bit cleaner since you went from journo to mod. Maybe it coincidence but o/ anyways.
He may if shock doesn't say anything. I don't mind much either way, it'd just be more helpful for FH if I were allowed to keep them lol.
:D I'm going to ask shock if I can keep the mod powers so I can continue cleaning up the map forums since I'm going to be digging through them anyway for videos. I just didn't want to be held liable for covering for people's write-ups or working for a system I don't particularly agree with (quota).
She told me today that she put up a blurb about the tourney, small but it's a start. Halo News - Halo Official Site - Forge Hub 2v2 Throwdown Tournament I'll ask if we can get a weekly mention til signups close. Think that's what was linked in the staff thread anyway.