rusty eagle
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May 28, 2016 at 5:21 PM
Dec 11, 2007
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rusty eagle

Ancient, from Georgia

Senior Member
rusty eagle was last seen:
May 28, 2016
    1. Adelyss
    2. CHUCK
      i can tell you im legitimately not thrilled with what ive seen of rage to help clear up whatever you're on about
    3. CHUCK
      i wasnt trolling, or am i still misunderstanding
    4. Pegasi
      I think you're making the mistake generally associated with older generations, ie. reading too much in to the video game aspect. People get just as defensive and wrapped up in any competitive pursuit, particularly violence substitutes like sports. Video games take this further because they're a full physicality substitute, but the principle is still the same. Questioning someone's skill is emasculating, but questioning the entire basis of their chosen competition is always going to prompt that kind of response. Yes the immersiveness is an aspect since it gets easier to get wrapped it up in it as a context, but its an aspect that just adds to a principle already present in human nature.
    5. CHUCK
    6. Pegasi
      Only just saw this, but didn't have enough to say to warrant a response, other than: bravo. The closing statements in particular were very true, people pushing genres they already love on to technology not quite designed for it is why we have console shooters rather than just PC ones in the first place, and whilst I obviously think console shooters are great, that's about as far as it can go before the desire starts tearing the technology apart, just like you say.
    7. Pegasi
      But still, if this were the generation of gamers who pushed things forward instead of screaming out for things to stay the same/even go backwards, then we wouldn't have to put up with the cashcow rinse-and-repeats like the CoD series has become. This alone limits how much hope I can have, and my only faith lies in the new market being vocal and intelligent enough to help push things forward and just leave the naysayers in their wake. Maybe putting my faith in the animal crossing crew isn't that wise, but hell it's pretty much all I've got right now.
    8. Pegasi
      Yeah, if you're gonna start a discussion like that then you can't get too precious about it. I'll be interested to see how long CoD lasts at MLG, participation is pretty damn low tbh, even for a new game. I can see it closing out the season then biting the dust, especially if Gears 3 is as good as it looks to be.
    9. Pegasi
      People thinking CoD is a man's game is a pretty common and disappointing assumption tbh. I get people acting all smug when they find out I play Halo so much, based on a) the visuals appearing 'kiddy' and b) the fact that all they've played in Halo is AR start games with awful people who think skill constitutes running in a straight line at one another holding down a single button until they're in range for a melee cluster ****.
    10. Pegasi
      To be fair, CS is pretty damn competitive, not quite on a par with Quake but 1.6 is definitely in the all time greats of competitive shooters. The misconception in putting it alongside CoD comes from people thinking that anything closely simulating 'real war' (most of the assumption coming from graphics and style alone tbh) must be the most skillful. The fact is that real war isn't very skilful. It's pretty damn strategic, but only on the large scale, which is only replicated properly in an RTS. The limits of a pretty pitiful human physique and inevitably short kill times (not just potentially short like CE, Quake and CS) makes it very little about skill, thus the same is true of stuff like CoD as well.

      In short, CoD kids are many, and they like to feel good about themselves. Thanks for sharing that, as it's something I've thought about a lot myself, trust me lol.
    11. Matty
      There's something i want to paint, and i already have the canvas ordered. I'm going to town in a few days to buy some more paint. I have quite a few colours but only in small amounts, so i want to stock up on primary colours. That really isn't much of a worry, what is a worry is exactly what colours i'll need for the desired skin tones. It's more in the interest of saving money, so i was just wondering if your experience would help in deciding how much of what i'd need.

      Other than that, any advice on methods and technique would be great, as well as preliminary work to help me before i start. I'm quite inexperienced with painting.
    12. Matty
      Hey man, i could do with a some advice on acrylic paint, let me know next time your free on Skype okay?
    13. thesilencebroken
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      I finished the time-travel story. It ended as I always intended, so I think it's good.
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      Well at least you got the reference.
    16. SargeantSarcasm

    17. Ladnil
      Sorry to hear you got rid of it man. I saw you online here and figured I'd ask for some help. If you ever get an xbox again, I look forward to gaming with you some more.
    18. Ladnil
      Not sure how much attention you pay to MLG anymore, but Pegasi's thread could use some support.
      An open letter to MLG Forgers - Major League Gaming Forums

      Or at least some more words that aren't retarded. Those would be good too.
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      ello ello. I sent you an email, dunno if you got it, I've since dropped the beneficial habit of cc'ing myself in emails I send >.<
    20. Erupt
      Hey there. I'm back asking about the roof. I was wondering if the middle HAS to be roofed. All objects except for Walls and Braces look absolutely idiotic/make it cramped. Walls are causing framerate in some moments in hill, such as when a massive explosion goes off when you are in the hill at the Covy Crates looking up to the top, so I was wondering if the middle has to be roofed. I can still roof the outside n stuff... But yeah.
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    rusty eagIe
    Ultimate frisbee, sailing, adventures, etc...


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    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> RUSTY EAGLE
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> SEX POSITION
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> AND PART-TIME MAP DOCTOR

    [rusty eagle] <10:57 pm> At your service

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm>"It seems they're still getting spawn trapped..."

    [rusty eagle] <10:57 pm> hahahaha

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "Nurse, I'm going to prescribe something unorthodox"
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "What is it doctor?"
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "sit on my face and defecate on my chest"

    [rusty eagle] <10:59 pm> hahahahahhahahahhahhhahaah