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Feb 13, 2013 at 12:43 AM
Mar 1, 2010
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broccollipie was last seen:
Feb 13, 2013
    1. Audienceofone
      I can go for making a small map!
    2. Audienceofone
      Sounds like fun to me!
    3. Audienceofone
      So what type of map are you thinking? I have been doing mostly 4v4 maps lately and would not mind doing a smaller map. As for anything over 5v5, I dont really care to forge them... all I know is if we co-forge we need a plan of action first, even if its ridiculously vague.
    4. Xun
      Lol, no problem man. Theres still plenty of time, plus I can do my own testing sessions, it will just be harder as I dont have a lot of time to organise them. If you dont have time, someone else can test it, unless you really want to. ;)
    5. Xun
      Just a heads up, Ive posted a test request in the TG forum for my $5000 Budget Contest entry. ;)
    6. Spawn of Saltine
    7. Stevo

      I needed a small avvy so my signature doesn't stretch and get made mahoosive as it's only 1 line.
    8. Bio Cobalt
      Bio Cobalt
      yoooooo i was bored the other day so i thought: hmmm.. ill go back to [precipice] and fix the spawns. well, that turned into fixing the spawns, AND ADDING PATHWAYS AROUND THE MIDDLE. currently they are around each middle side that had the kill ball in the middle and tables on the sides. I didnt get a chance to test it yet, but today there's the CGN and im gonna test it out thar. Oh and i renamed it from Precipice to Conewalk. The story being this is one in the many boardwalks that managed to break away from a huge boardwalk somewhere in forgeworld. Low and behold it finds itself in cone men's hands. So we're basically fighting on a conemen's inhabited boardwalk.. but they cant shoot or move (obviously) so we're fine. I really want to show it to you before CGN so when ur next on, inv me.
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      Urban Dictionary: cool your jets
    10. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      I already have your map tested. All I have to do now is post the feedback.
    11. v clinical v
      v clinical v
      haha, it's alright, I will
    12. broccollipie
    13. Audienceofone
      then I shall be on then as well. I can be on really any time after 7 any day, and on the weekends between 8-9or10am and 7-lateer than normal time pm. Also, this is EST (NY, ME, MA, NC...).
    14. Audienceofone
      horay! I have friends! haha! I would love to! i enjoy mixing forge ideas so it should be fun. any ideas? Im sure I can come up with a few if you cant.
    15. Stevo
      your mother.
    16. Eightball
      It's just built in the same location. When I show you it, it looks NOTHING alike. I mean nothing.
    17. Eightball
      Your name is broccollipie, but I don't see broccolli or pie in your avy ;)
    18. Eightball
      No eightballs pl0x. Also, check out mah map preview for Lune. I will still show you it in forge, though.
    19. Eightball
      Ohhh, a firery eightball. Eh, not bad, but I wanted to go with something that has nothing to do with my FH name. People know what an eightball is, they don't need a pic of one too ;)

      Keep em' coming though. If you want..
    20. Eightball
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