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Feb 27, 2012 at 6:17 PM
Feb 9, 2011
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Jul 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
Virginia Beach, Virginia

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Forerunner, from Virginia Beach, Virginia

I3ush was last seen:
Feb 27, 2012
    1. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      I made the hallway larger. I think you should check it out now. You have a lot more wiggle room.
    2. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      As you have probably noticed I have been pretty busy with my own map, but I plan to start messing around with your map early tomorrow. Hopefully I can come up with something good to add to your map Tangerine.
    3. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Thanks for checking out my map, and thanks for the nomination. It means a lot to me. I'm not really a well known forger so getting my maps nominated puts my name out there. Hey, maybe if I get a few more I might get the map Favorited.
    4. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Would you mind checking out my map Aeacus. You can find it in the Competitive Map Threads. I am very interested in hearing some feedback from you about the map. You always seem to give good constructive feedback so I would be very happy if you took a look at it. Thanks in advance.
    5. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Thanks for replying to the feedback so many times I will post it and get no response. Then I don't know if they ever saw the feedback so thanks for replying.

      P.S. I will try my hand at adding a few things to the map to add cover. Then I'll show you to give you some ideas.
    6. Eightball
      Oh, ok. Thank you.
    7. Eightball
      Duuuude, could you please tell me how to get a signature without a background in it? Like yours. Thanks
    8. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      Hi, thanks for the 'words of advice'. My maps are linked in my signature however :) If you click the My Reach Maps or My Halo 3 Maps it takes you to the respective fileshare. forgehub doesnt allow very many characters in a signature so it is impossible to link to each one directly.
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  • About

    Jul 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Virginia Beach, Virginia


    ll [MP]Tangerine. ll