Jex Yoyo
Last Activity:
7y 28w ago
May 28, 2009
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March 17

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Jex Yoyo

POETRY, bitch., Male, from Kansas

Senior Member
Jex Yoyo was last seen:
Aug 24, 2017
    1. Confused Flamingo
    2. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      How so? Looks pretty win to me.
    3. Confused Flamingo
    4. Eightball
    5. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Why so Candlejack
    6. Transactionzero
      Ballin' Arg it's way to hot right now.
    7. Transactionzero
      CAm girls use that song waaaaaaaay too much.
    8. RightSideTheory
      What are you doing with an avatar of Candle Jack?!

      I'm hurt man, the avatar that I made you was mu-
    9. GruntHunter
      Send me an invite, GT: White DuctTape
    10. broccollipie
      What are the reasons html is disabled, that would blow my mind? :3
    11. xdemption
      It was made by A drowning whale, a dear friend of mine who i have known for a long time, as for game history it has been a few months but I actually helped him do adjustments to it when he first showed me it. Send him an xbox message if you do not believe me, I doubt he even knows it was posted by someone else. ALTHOUGH, there is a small possibility that it is actually him posting it under a different tag. I highly doubt this tho, because what was said in that message seems completely off from his personality. Ask him if he had posted a map as of recently on XBL, if no then you will know for sure.
    12. Skater
      -Haha, it is a secret! Even I didn't know until very recently. Nah, its goes Oracle, Leviathan, Titan. Who did you find that was a titan, by the way? The only people I know of who have the required posts are several ex-staff and the administrator (transactionzero) who modded his post count.-

      It wouldn't let me quote your message -_-

      HAHA FAILURE! Jk, but isn't Leviathan after Titan? Linubidix has more posts than Nemihara and Linubidix's color bar thing is two different colors, like he overlapped or something?
    13. broccollipie
      Occupation: Antarctica?
      lolfail bot.
    14. broccollipie
    15. broccollipie
      Could you unsticky the 2x2 contest discussion and submission threads?
    16. Adelyss
      Sorry dudeee :( but I promise we'll play some time again once I'm back from Colorado
    17. Organite
      Eh I got it in the check-in.
    18. Organite
      so Tz neglected to get cluckinho10 into the RH Central.

      As a result he cannot check in his review.
      I guess all I can ask is to be on the look out for it and if I catch it later if it could be edited in.
    19. timmypanic
      Thanks for your comment, I am not on pc to quote the large number of maps . But I basically guarntee any map with 30+ comments have many spam like comments. 2 of the best examples are the 2 heighest commented maps. I know many are older but there are plenty of recent maps that also have short spam like posts. And my point is that some maps are targeted for spam more than others. I hazard a guess that on cold storage atlest 30 deleted posts.... 30 spam warnings on a post....that must be some kind of record. I understand the point of what modz do and I do not have anything against the rules. I just ask that everyone be treated the same.
    20. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      alright cool. yea, i watch it now and then, and it gives extra during the show, telling...extra...stuff