Thanks. Still I don't think it's wednesday until I wake up in the morning, or more likely in the afternoon :P
Yep, accidental post. I have Embarcadero ready to re-post in the TG, should I now or do I need to wait?
We do to. Things don't have to make sense in America though apparently. I just copied the post and I am going to test it to see if everything still works.
Yeah, I can't re-post the request with pics and links until I get back... or can I? Maybe I could just copy the whole post into a word document then re-copy it over to a new post with some info explaining I re-posted. If I can do this I will reply and then the old one can be deleted.
Naw, I'm gone till monday, but I can se if you can come. It's not exactly formal, I am pretty sure I just joined one day and I was in before I even knew what HBO was. I probably haven't even posted there. Just trying to give suggestions on where to find people for a pretty full party. Get to it when you can though, don't worry if I can't make it either, though maybe you could save the vid?
Yeah, show it to me when it's ready after that. Sorry bout that. If you need players, ask Bones 153, CC Hyokin, or Bluerunner from HBO if you can come to their Friday night customs. They know me and should have some people to help test. They probably played at least 30 variants of First Tracks over the past few months.
Kewl. Tell me when it's ready man. Trying to think of more ridiculous names for Psychoduck's new map "Roundtown."
Better get cracking for that review then. I don't think "Liked it, no idea why, no idea what to change" will get TG credit. Not that you need more gold stars Brox :)
I am conversing about how to implement the hog with the gruesome handsome duck below this comment. By the way, how do you do the crossed out word thing? I wanted to put a crossed out "gruesome" next to that accidental complement above. Edit: Thanks!