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Jul 18, 2013 at 6:58 AM
Apr 12, 2008
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Ancient, from South Bend, IN

Senior Member
V was last seen:
Jul 18, 2013
    1. thesilencebroken
    2. thesilencebroken
      We're pretty local. It's not really because we want to stay that way, but moreso because the music scene is fickle and we're an outdated style. haha
    3. thesilencebroken
      Also, this is from this passed friday. Just thought I'd share.

      The Silence Broken | "Poor Carmine" & "Guide" - YouTube
    4. thesilencebroken
      and curious about their vocalists in what way?
    5. thesilencebroken
      It's cool, I suppose. I'm friends with most of them, so it's a little different than playing with the other nationals we've played with.
    6. thesilencebroken
      It was released in September. We're writing another one right now, probably recording this fall. It's on Itunes or our online store if you wanna buy. If you can't manage that, I'm sure there are some form of torrent downloads out there.

      I appreciate the support man.
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      I'm just planning it at the moment. I've frequently tried starting it (since I have the milestones figured out already) but I have some long-standing stuff I need to finish first. Namely, setting up my website, setting a schedule for outputting videos and reviews, and finishing a comic book script for my artist.

      So I'll probably start it sometime this week, if I don't get distracted and procrastinate.
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      Thanks dude.

      When I first started writing it, I thought I could expand it into a novel or something, but it was very similar (in execution) to an idea for a novel I'm working on. Plus, the longer the narrative, the more people would want to know, as opposed to just teasing a larger reality where anything could happen. Furthermore, keeping it tight leaves stuff to the imagination rather than explicitly telling them certain things happened.

      So I weighed the options, and I made this a lead-in (of sorts) to the novel.
    9. pinohkio
      I just realised. Your signature has a Metagross in it. A ****ING METAGROSS!
    10. Chron
      So does that mean there isn't a way to teach Weavile Ice Punch or Low kick in the Gen V games?
      If not I guess I'll just breed Ice Punch and train it up.
    11. Chron
      Actually, this might not even require the need to RNG abuse me anything.
      You see I'm trying to get my Weavile to rape bitches so I'm planning on giving it a moveset consisting of Swords Dance, Low kick, Ice Punch and another move.
      The thing is though, I've got no clue where I'm meant to obtain Ice Punch or Low kick. I remember you could get them from a Move Tutor in HG and SS but I haven't been able to find one.
      You wouldn't happen to know where I could get those moves would ya?
    12. Chron
      OHai there V. Question for ya: Would you be willing to RNG abuse me some Pokemanz?
    13. serumembryo
      Your name is inspiring
    14. Chron
      Alright then. I'm free for pretty much the whole weekend so just send a VM whenever you're ready.

      Just a reminder though, I'm from Australia so our times are quite different so we may have to work out a time that's suitable for you and isn't like 4 in the morning for my timezone.
    15. Chron
      Hey V, you wouldn't happened to have found your Ds and Pokemon games yet have you? I was just curious cause I'm wanting to start putting my team properly together with their moves and stuff but I haven't got the Sneasel or Ralts off you yet.

      Sorry if I'm sounding impatient. I'm just curious.
    16. Agamer
      Haha that's the way to do it man.

      I used to go to all my home football games at my old high school until I moved to the one I go to now last year. I didn't go to one game last year, I don't know if I will bother this year or not, majorly because since it's a new school pretty much all of our sports teams suck ass, or at least they did last year for having the first varsity year. And speaking of soccer, there's a guy at my school who is a professional soccer player who plays on the Chicago Fire, and the guy is only 17 lul.
    17. Agamer
      If this was facebook, I totally would like your most recent post.

      I'm pretty sure today was the first varsity football game for the entire midwest.
    18. halo kid
      halo kid
      As have I,since red came out when I was 2 or three,I was just trying to beat gary lol.
    19. halo kid
      halo kid
      you are a pokemon genius. that is all.
    20. Agamer
      yeah I'm leaving in 30 minutes to go to the concert....

      I've already seen all three bands before...just not together and not this year.

      ****'s going to be cash bro
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  • About

    South Bend, IN
    Video Games, Football, Basketball, Purdue Football and Basketball (GO BOILERS!!!!), Piano & Guitar

