Shock Theta
Last Activity:
Jan 17, 2019 at 6:54 AM
Dec 3, 2007
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London, UK

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Shock Theta

Father of 4chub, from London, UK

Forge Critic Senior Member
Shock Theta was last seen:
Jan 17, 2019
    1. Stevo
      Shock, can you change my name back to Stevo? Tz was being nasty to me :(
    2. Skater
      Can you change my name to SkaterPriest? Thanks
    3. Pegasi
      Is there a way to view all VMs posted by a single user? This guy was spamming MS point referral links on people's walls and ideally I'd like to delete them.
    4. Organite
      Hey, I dunno what you think about this, but some of the architects think that the color for their rank is kinda... dull? crappy?

      The color itself (bronze methinks) is cool and all, but when it's not bold like every other rank is (besides gray) it really ruins the feel of color.

      catch my drift?

      so I was thinking that by simply bolding the rank, you'd bring out the true senescence behind the rank all the while making a little bit more fashionable.

      How sound?
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      So, months back when I was working on a wordpress theme I got disheartened after learning all html,css and php because I couldn't find where theme designers found these custom scripts that give commands to the wordpress structure. Then tonight I found a list of them on wordpress's site (didn't realize they were called template tags) and resolved myself to finishing the layout.

      This is what I came up with. I'm spending tomorrow or the day after (depending on what festivities arise) to relearn all the coding to implement it. Thoughts?
    6. broccollipie
      I don't know if you know already, but when using the list BB code, bullet points don't show up anymore.
    7. Organite
      thank you good sir.
    8. Organite
      lol, cluckinho10 beat me to it.
      Could you get him into RH Central again?
    9. thesilencebroken
      I run the store, does it really not ship? cause I'll make special arrangements through paypal for you.
    10. broccollipie
    11. cluckinho
      Heycould I get access to the review central forum? I need to post a review in the proofread thread.
    12. thesilencebroken
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      skype porfavor.
    14. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      How is your life going? I'm earnest to hear it old chap.
    15. broccollipie

      thesilencebroken ► Architect
      B3NW ► Registered User
      AdventBlood ► Registered User
      Benji ► Registered User
      patrickcanttype ► Registered User
      Skisma ► Registered User
      TheUnseenForce ► Registered User
      Confused Flamingo ► Loyal: TG Member
      Oli The G ► Loyal: RH Member
      Chron ► Loyal: TG Member
      HiddenForger ► Loyal: TG Member
      Arctic Hunter ► Loyal: TG Member
      ChronoTempest ► Loyal: TG Member
      Tedium's ***** ► Tedium
      PacMonster1 ► Loyal: RH Member

      A lot of the loyals on that list are out of date; just thought I'd help you out, and since only staff can post in locked threads, I'll post here. =]

      Maybe add the TGIF hosts?

      Darth Human ► TGIF Host
      cryptokid ► TGIF Host
      pinohkio ► TGIF Host
    16. Mace
      Yo taters can i get my custom title back? it got lost in the hack. it was "Proxy Ninja | Yakuza: but feel free to change it to whatever. ( I like the sound of 'Old Tyme"
    17. Reign
      Sorry to ask for another username change so soon, but can you change my username to "Reign"?
    18. Erupt
      So I was looking for a H2 map to remake, and I came across Gemini or a Halowiki page or something. I was reading down, and I saw something you edited in there. :D Idk, thought it was kinda neat. lol
    19. Pegasi
      So so right now, working on hopefully getting a teaching assistant job lined up for next year but I'm not sure if I've missed the boat or not, this coming week will hopefully bring more luck trying to get some time with a headteacher/senco about any opportunities.

      And I didn't, though is it on the same track as that PM from kajin? I'll try to be on as much as possible this week, would like to get chatting on that stuff as it sounds really swish.
    20. Pegasi
      Yeah I think I'll have another crack at it since many of my fellow Norwichites are still at uni and therefore free to escape during the impending summer, leaves more time for introverted goodness.

      Your encouragement is fondly received btw :).
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  • About

    London, UK
    Shock Theta
    Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody is perhaps the most famous Auror of modern times, single-handedly responsible for capturing numerous wizard criminals. He is also said never to have killed his quarry - even when permitted to do so - unless he had no other choice. Moody's face is badly scarred and he has lost several body parts, including his left eye, right lower leg and part of his nose whilst fighting Dark wizards.