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Jul 17, 2018 at 3:27 PM
Oct 22, 2010
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Forge Critic Senior Member
unoverrated was last seen:
Jul 17, 2018
    1. SecretSchnitzel
    2. Rorak Kuroda
    3. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Hard to do that with a drawing; I'll take a look tomorrow, see what I can find.
    4. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      so hey, I saw the comments on Purification. I trully agree with what you are saying. I could go ahead and use other ramps so there wont be lights. All i would have to say (and I don't want to get into an argument over this) is that out of the all the games me and other have played, there wasn't framerate. If you played it and did get some, im sorry. I would be more than welcome to redue the walls to fix everything.
    5. Eightball
      Oh, well then nevermind. I haven't seen any maps called that, but oh well ;)
    6. Eightball
      I couldn't help but notice your signature that says 'Nimbus'. Would you mind if I forged a map and named it after your sig?
    7. ThrowinDemBows
      lol u posted on your own VM board. click view conversation or go to the other persons profile and post on theirs.
    8. unoverrated
      thanks, i post on the MLG forums a lot. That why I posted so many, these are like 6 of my maps. Gameplay > Aesthetics but both are better. That's my Philosophy. If I didn't care about gameplay I could make amazing looking maps but after all this is reach and I do forge for MLG so I do care about gameplay.
    9. Eightball
      Wow, how many maps did you post? Geez. Anyways, I really like your work. You do such a nice job on the layouts and I can see you put a lot of thought into your aesthetics as well as the layout. I've seen a lot of bad maps lately, but your maps are a sight for sore eyes'. Keep it up.
    10. unoverrated
      the 2v2 has some problems... but thats cuz i forged it over night and i dont care for 2v2s
    11. ThrowinDemBows
      glad to see you post on here, ill DL and let you know what i think of them.
    12. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Get back in the shoutbox, Reflex has something for you
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    I'm better than you at forging


    My Halo Reach maps: Nexus | Haze | Solace | Sentinel | Mercury | Commons | Conduit