Plasma Blades
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Jul 29, 2016 at 8:24 PM
Apr 16, 2009
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Plasma Blades

Ancient, from Narnia

Senior Member
Plasma Blades was last seen:
Jul 29, 2016
    1. That Scorch Guy
      That Scorch Guy
      I like it. Next step: Go to Urban Dictionary and make an awesome definition for it.
    2. That Scorch Guy
      That Scorch Guy
      It can be done. What should it spell out? Obnoxious?
    3. That Scorch Guy
      That Scorch Guy
      That would be pretty funny... Vintage Scorching Antagonistic Blades otherwise known as VSAB. What if we make it a really long acronym for something?
    4. That Scorch Guy
      That Scorch Guy
      True, true. UNSELECTED? Or we could jump on the bandwagon and combine our names like Scorching Blades or something. I looked at a list of words with TAG in them as well. My faves were AnTAGonist, MonTAGe, MysTAGogue, VolTAGe, and VinTAGe, if you wanted to do something like that.
    5. That Scorch Guy
      That Scorch Guy
      Looking at the team names, I don't really think ours has a nice ring to that I mean it isn't funny. What would you think about [VERIFYING...]?
    6. Organite
      TGIF Loyaled?
      Soon to be RH Loyaled?
      Hell, if you have the time join TG and Loyal there too.

      Then you will purp three times ever.
      You'll be Loyal[sup]3[/sup]
    7. Tedium
      You're a loyal now?! Dude, join the TG as well and become the first mega Loyal!
    8. Hogframe
      "I just spent about 20 minutes typing up a response to Haris, only to realize that I had lost the internet connection somewhere along the way."


      Good luck anyways.
    9. RogueWolf
    10. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      The basic idea was to make a map pack that could accomodate any number of players and would have a gametype to go with all of them. I think I succeeded in this. Below is an overview of what I think makes each map different.

      zm_bunker: a great opening chase, dropping down an elevator, hectic close quarter combat downstairs

      zm_port: more open world, holding out on boats isnt common for infection, many places to hold out along the docks, the ships, and the fish market

      zm_golf course: some of my favorite aesthetics, roof jumping adds a twist

      zm_streets: med-small map with lots of routes through the city, no where in particular to camp, humans are always on guard with all the corners

      zm_quarry: holds the most places to holdout of all the maps
    11. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Yeah I guess I could try to add switches or something to all of them but I am really out of money on pretty much all the maps. Anyways I am usually weary of using switches though cause they can get messed up due to lag or people simply dont know how to use them.

      I guess I dont really bring anything new to the table but im fine with that because I just wanted to create maps that are balanced and can be played over and over. As far as I can tell they are some of the most balanced infection maps and each one has its own distinct feel to it. Playing through the various ones requires different strategies for each and on each map there are numerous ways to try to survive. This adds to the replayability which I was going for.
    12. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      hey what did you think of the maps we played
    13. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Ok sure. This weekend I guess I can give you a quick overview of the maps in forge and then gather up a group to test them. These maps have already been pretty well tested and there are no longer any glaring flaws. I think you can enjoy the maps during each round as I have made sure that there are no real holes to exploit.

      Overall I just wanted to get more feedback on the maps, especially from someone who clearly knows what they are talking about when it comes to infection. If you want to do a thorough evaluation go for it but otherwise I think we should just play through the series so you can get a good feel for them and make some suggestions. If you want you can download them after as well and take notes if you want. Ive got people who can fill a party easily but if you want to invite people from your clan that would be great as I could use some new feedback
    14. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      The maps are non linear.

      Here is a gameplay vid of ZM_Port
      YouTube - Port Gameplay 1

      My GT is Oackley HiDef

      I live on the East Coast of the US and am usually on just during the weekends. Saturdays me and a bunch of other guys have a big customs lobby where we play tons of infection, minigames, and slayer maps.
    15. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Hey ive noticed that you make a lot of posts about infection and seem really knowledgeabele about the nuances of this gametype. I also enjoy infection alot and have focused my forging on making zombie specific maps because I was fed up with those in matchmaking.

      I agree with everything you say in your posts and it seems that independently I have ended up coming to many of the same conclusions as you have when it comes to balance. I am working on releasing an infection map pack and was wondering if you were interested in checking out the maps.

      The maps have all been heavily tested and are balanced. They each have a persistent theme and pay strict attention to realism and detail.

      The maps have the following themes: Bunker, Streets, Quarry, Port, Golf Course
    16. Bobby Kraft
      Bobby Kraft
      I dont know if you got the message I just sent you (screen froze upon sending) but ty for your help
    17. pyro
      Ok, just checking.
      People tend to help more with maps if you give them pictures, no matter how little the pictures show because it's then easier to describe changes and understand what's happening. Even sketches are good.
    18. pyro
      If your two threads in Halo Forge Discussion are for the same map, I suggest you combine them and ask the mods to lock one.
    19. Devil95
      Hey, Just telling ya. Im currently under contruction for my final map in the Zombie horde DLC Pack. I saw your post. "Containment is an infection map designed to thin out the human numbers as quickly as possible." My Zombie Horde Mode does that quite well, While the humans still have a chance!
    20. Devil95
      However the map wont be posted. I be holding Server Games. So I'll invite curtain people!
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