Hey since your a mod, what are the ranks after Oracle? I was looking through posts and saw somebody with the TITAN rank and i wanted to know what the rest of the ranks were.
Forge Hub - Conversation Between Spawn of Saltine and Reflex Ion "SUBSCRIBE TO BLOO AND GAIN +30000 REP"
Hey would you mind moving a thread for me? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/127356-cnc-map-trailer.html#post1405925 Possibly to Halo Reach Media, it seems like it would be a better place for that thread.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reported-posts/127185-reported-post-chipsinabox.html#post1404667 call it a draw?
Don't know if you <3 me enough, but if you do, could you pweese sticky this? [IMG] And maybe rename it to $5000 Budget Competition Thread....