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Sep 21, 2013 at 9:37 PM
Jun 17, 2011
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Forerunner, from France

Pounours was last seen:
Sep 21, 2013
    1. ANTI YOU
      ANTI YOU
      you said you'd like to get more testing on takir. i'll help if you'd like just add me. tags the same as FH user name
    2. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      No problem, man.
    3. Pounours
      Thanks. Your realy cool.
    4. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Once in the correct forum, click the new thread button in the top left of the screen, fill out the details it asks for, and in the box at the bottom, describe your map, and PLEASE MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE PICTURE OR VIDEO THAT CLEARLY DEFINES YOUR MAP. For more information on how to post pictures or videos, go HERE.

      That should be all. If you need more help or have ANY questions, please do not hesitate to contact me HERE.
    5. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo

      Go to the appropriate map forum for your kind of map.
      Go HERE if it's a competitive map, competitive maps are about fighting the other team in competitive gametypes.
      Go HERE if it's an MLG map, designed for MLG gaming.
      Go HERE if it's a casual map, made for fun and may require honor rules.
      Go HERE if it's a minigame, a map-gametype combo that differentiates from regular gameplay.
      Go HERE if it's a racetrack, a map made for racing.
      Go HERE if it's an aesthetic map, a map that players just look at.
    6. timmypanic
      Thanks for your comments... If you are having trouble posting pictures, on the message bar above you should notice a square box with picture of mountains and sun. This is to upload pictures. First you would need to take pictures on halo reach, in theatre mode... press y to remove life bar and radar off pictures. Once they are on your bungie profile, click on each picture untill you have a large picture, right click and click on view image info. copy that link (ctrl + c) then in picture uploader(square with sun & mountains) copy link and post. When taking pictures I try to center, also using explosions can give a cool exposure to pictures. Hope this helps
    7. Pounours
      Please try my Maps. Tag: Pounours42. I am waiting 4 ur mail.
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