Yeah, you know when MLG had a similar competition? (I imagine the inspiration for this...) I totally submitted a map I'd spent months on. To make it fit the budget, I deleted about half of the map then merged a grid into Montana with normal physics. It lagged terribly, and I sent the judges a message saying "This is what you get for half budget... half a bad map." They lol'd hard enough that I wasn't banned for trolling!
If it becomes big enough, possibly, but I take issue with the idea of a budget-limited competition. It forces people to work within constraints, thus stunting artistic freedom, and also has little to do with framerate. I can make a map that lags your balls off with only a quarter the budget; half is easy. Because what causes framerate is the objects you use and how you use them.
...a Longsword thunders past, its afterburner roaring and shaking the whole area. Car alarms go off and buildings shake from the heavy sound waves reverberating around the area. In the distance, two Spartans walk slowly towards their goal, Pythagoras' Balcony. They have come to test their mettle against one another in the name of science. Off the battlefield they are good friends, but on it they become two warriors, intent on besting each other. They are here for one reason. To test the skills of one brave map-maker, intent on finding glory. The Spartans make their way onto the field of battle. They choose their loadouts. The battle begins.
1. Cool story bro 2. My computer is a ***** so not yet. 3. See above 4. Pointless number is pointless.
Hey I have noticed you are doing a lot of feedbacks for the testers guild lately. I was wondering if you could review mine. It is currently on the second page of submissions. The map name is Insanity. Message me back if you will test it for me.