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Apr 8, 2023 at 1:14 PM
Sep 22, 2010
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Senior Member
Preacher001 was last seen:
Apr 8, 2023
    1. Tedium
      I'd follow Stevo's suggestion of moving it your map to another forum. It's just that this is the first instance of anyone, the creator or the reviewer, thinking the map deserves a different criteria. However, if it arises again we'll be sure to notify the map's creator about the issue.
    2. Stevo
      Oh and on the subject of Hornets Nest, you can simply request a thread movement from a moderator (blue guy) to place it in the Casual Maps section if you will. You may end up with more downloads in that section and a lot more accurate feedback.
    3. Stevo
      That's a rather good suggestion actually... I'll bring that up with other staff to ensure other members don't make the same mistake. It could quite easily go in the help box as well for quick reference too.

      Thanks Preacher.
    4. AtlasIsShruggin
      yeah no problem man

      For your viewing pleasure...

    5. Organite
      Honestly, what you just described to me sounds a lot like a Casual Map, man.
    6. Tedium
      Sorry, but I happened to see this and thought I'd answer for you.

      "I'm also curious to know what the higher ups and FH team in general feels about playstyle/gametype destinction and how that may effect reviews like this."

      At the moment the Review Hub is discussing a criteria change. We're trying as much as we can to remove any personal opinion in reviews by slightly lowering the importance of enjoyment (the most opinionated section) and putting strict specifications on the other sections so that the content is strongly based on fact instead of the reviewer's personal impression.

      We also have put in place a system in our private forum that gives a reviewer multiple opinions on a single map. Then they are able to judge the map with as little bias as possible.
    7. Stevo
      As much as you feel the need to justify your maps placement in the competitive map section:
      Browse and share casual maps. Submissions include maps that mainly focus on relaxing and having fun, and may require honor rules.
      ^ that statement suggests it 95% belongs in casual. Just because your map supports traditional gametypes doesn't make it competitive. Or, if competitive is what you had in mind from the start, there are numerous ways to improve upon a competitive map. Take a look at traditional maps bungie make. There are no maps that focus primarily on air combat... What if no one likes using air vehicles? or vehicles at all? Your maps need to be able to support both ground and air combat scenarios, whether it's vehicular based or foot based. That point alone would tip the scales slightly more towards competitive, however, there is a long journey ahead for the map in question.

      If you ever need any help or advice in making competitive maps, i'm always willing :)
    8. cluckinho
      I was just wanting you to post on your map so I can post my second review. I can't double post. But I'll probably end up not doing another review, so don't worry about it.
    9. cluckinho
      I suggest make a post on your map so I can post my secondary review.
    10. AtlasIsShruggin
      Yeah they seemed to really glaze over your map... Aerial combat is not really my thing, but I left a post on how original your maps are and how I would go about reviewing one of your maps. I hope it helps :)
    11. AtlasIsShruggin
      No sorry life has been crazy as of late, my boss was fired and so it's been up to me to bring the new guy up to speed, resulting in some really long hours... I'll check it now!
    12. AtlasIsShruggin
      And what will be the final version unless playtesting dictates otherwise, but most likely the only thing that would change is objective locations...

      Illyria Download
    13. AtlasIsShruggin
      oh and since you missed V2 there is also a two doors leading from the courtyard to the center buildings now.
    14. AtlasIsShruggin
      Yeah I got a game on it last night and immediately started banging my head against the wall. Not sure if you noticed but when standing on the ship if you look towards the map at all there is ridiculous lag. I made some major adjustments to the map (Your Waterways survived, but not the shops. I really like what I did in place of them though) The biggest affecting gameplay was the decision to remove the ship from the layout (It's pushed back and left as an aesthetic piece) To make the layout as interesting as it was I added another floor to the 'pantheon'.

      Illyria Beta 3

      Also I hope everything worked out with your friend. I'm sorry to hear he was so sick :(
    15. AtlasIsShruggin
      Illyria Beta Download

      Here is the map I'm working on now if you would like a look
    16. AtlasIsShruggin
      Oh and we did play the match with the game type as well. We also played Q-bert slam with it's gametype. Not my kind of map but my friend King Xin loved it! More his thing... (He beat us at 25 to 7, 4, and -2 lol) I am terrible with melee weapons.
    17. AtlasIsShruggin
      'shudder' I Hate Call of Duty. As far as multiplayer FPS Halo was the first game I really got into right from CE's launch day. I've played a lot of FPS Games though. You have a right to call me out on being tactical though as the Thief and Deus Ex Franchises are easily some of my favorite classics. Also played a lot of Quake in my day. I'll never forget my first game though... Zack McCracken and the Alien Mind Benders for the Commodore 64. The computer broke before I could beat it so the game haunts me to this day... and I'm pretty sure I'll never find a port to finally beat it lol. Before I got into FPS games though I was very much into puzzle and adventure games so I do like gameplay that rewards the smart player rather than the player with the biggest gun.
    18. AtlasIsShruggin
      Yeah I know, sometimes a map that we love just isn't as well received as we would like... The Looking Glass is going by relatively unnoticed compared to the other maps I've forged and it is easily the one I worked the hardest on.

      I got a game on the red faction map last night, and I think it needs some work to be honest. I've never played the original, but with the halo version the sightlines allow for some serious carnage with the power weapons. There is no escaping the spartan laser or rocket launcher. That was our major problem with the map, those two weapons. The Sniper was balanced with how hard it was to reach it without dying, but I think a dmr is an appropriate power weapon for the map. It gives a big advantage while remaining balanced and not frustrating.
    19. AtlasIsShruggin
      RHEM is being featured in Forge Spotlight!

      You can view the video HERE or look for it on the Bungie Home Page in the coming days!

      Also if you haven't seen my newest posting The Looking Glass please view and comment HERE

      As always Thanks!

    20. SargeantSarcasm
      yes, of course. looks great. they didnt screw with the code at all, exact same game.
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  • About

    I'm a Classic Slayer, or more to the point, Classic Deathmatch player. I don't pick sides, all must die. I like my Maps on the smallish to mid size with heavy helping of mass mayhem. Never expect much more from anything I craft.


    Reach was good to me. MAPS
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