Did you download the newer version of Cladite or just play it in customs? Cause I can't see it in aPK's fileshare.
"Too much stupidity going on here by typical forgehubbers, this one being one of them." There are plenty of great people on this site that wouldn't appreciate you generalizing them as stupid forgehubbers. Behind the scenes you would have seen 3 staff members agreeing that you hadn't done anything wrong in this instance and that the other member was at fault. So before you lash out on the site you should step back and put a little more thought into what you say.
4shot, stay on topic. Else you'll catch more infractions. The thread is about things you miss from H3, not a rant thread.
Hey man, I need some of your feedback on Elysium. Could you let me know if ANYWHRE on the map is at all easily campable? That is, if you play it. Thanks
Your English is perfect. Many people don't speak it well, considering it's the only language they speak. It's nice to see someone who really tries to make use of the things they learn in school. By things, I mean grammar. It was basically an out-of-curiosity question ;)
I would like to know your opinion about Elysium. If you've had the chance to play on it or even look at it, I'd appreciate some sort of comment on what you think of it. Thanks. I seem to have a hard time getting you to comment on ANY of my maps.
Hey man, i reread the 1/2 size ascension thread with ancalmer mind and the points you made in your first post were very much valid, and I overreacted to some of them. Im sorry, i was antagonizing you and I was the one flaming you[/] and not the other way around like I posted. I apologise.
"Was I talking about the Bank 2x2 contest? Not at all. Nice job making yourself look like a complete douche. The map deserves more downloads. That was my point. When did I ever mention anything about the contest? Show me." I'm not going to infract you, but you know better than to flame someone over something so silly. Try to keep it civilized?
Bottom post. Second reply. Your favorite type of play is the only one that should exist. Logic dictates that anyone who doesn't play Reach competitively should stop playing it.
I wanted to take the conversation/argument between you and Rho into an area that isn't as public, and won't result in a multitude of infractions.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-mlg-discussion/126713-best-clip-ever.html#post1403095 Sorry, but it kinda is. I'ma just delete your post, someone else already posted after.