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Jul 17, 2013 at 10:33 PM
Dec 3, 2007
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Dec 22, 1972 (Age: 52)

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squidhands was last seen:
Jul 17, 2013
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      I tried to get into Mad Men but I missed a few episodes and just stopped. It's hitting Netflix stream very soon though.

      Yeah I agree. Though I did like how some character arcs and questions were tied up with a pretty definitive answer on the spirituality intertwined throughout the series.

      Only one season. Well that makes it easier to watch I guess. D:
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      Breaking Bad is probably the best television show I've ever seen. Not my favorite, but the best. It's consistently amazing on all counts.

      The Shield is kinda hard to get into but once you get going it's hard to stop, especially once you hit s4's finale, then the next two days of your life are dedicated purely to finishing the show.

      I liked BSG's ending, even if I called it. lol
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      It's really good but I personally didn't like it as much after s3.

      **** I would recommend:
      - Breaking Bad
      - The Shield
      - Battlestar Galactica

      The Shield still has the most amazing series finale I've ever seen, and that was after people hyped it up to high heaven for me.
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      Lol all through watching The Wire I just thought "George R. R. Martin must've influenced this show" because everything I expected to happen that I didn't want to happen... happened.
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      The show did a good job of making everyone much more sympathetic.

      Robert is so much more likable, and Jaime is less of a douche. So I can see that deriving from the books, but I don't expect him to be my second lol.

      I'm desperately hoping Syrio survived his fight since George R.R. Martin is so slick at mentioning him but now the outcome. Though, he served his purpose so it doesn't seem likely.
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      And I'm a fourth of the way through Clash. Tyrion is such a boss it's amazing.
    7. thesilencebroken
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      The book is so very very good. Some of the characters annoyed me to no end, namely sansa and joffrey, but there are outrageously stupid and selfish people in the world so I guess you need an analogue in that world.

      The character development is superb, and it even manages to pass into the show despite not knowing what people are thinking like you do in the book. A prime example being Dany's slow change into what she is at the end, you slowly see her gain confidence throughout her bits in the show. Also, the show does a great job of streamlining certain concepts (even if they attribute them to other characters, like Baelish telling Sandor's origins) so you don't get bogged down by detail. They also added some greaaat scenes, good stuff.
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      I finished GoT, both book and show.
    10. thesilencebroken
      I am very interested in your bearded offer.
    11. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      I know what you mean. It's been hard to come up with that next great design. I'm toying around with some ideas now, but once I find that defining visual/gameplay element the rest usually falls into place. That's where I'm kind of stuck at right now. It sounds like you're a bit further along in the process than I am. We'll have to get together and have a brainstorming session sometime, lol.

      My current design is asymmetrical, which immediately stacks the odds against it for MLG inclusion. I don't think any asymmetrical map has been accepted into any tournaments as of yet. I'll go for it anyways, at the very least it'll end up being a solid map, lol.
    12. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Seeing as how it might be a while before 343 is accepting community maps, I figured I'd might take a stab at an MLG style map. I have a design in the works at the moment, but it feels too early in the design to show anyone... I'll probably end up changing things around a few times anyways. The map is a bit inspired by Venice and other urban environments near a waterfront. But we'll see how it progresses.

      I'm interested in seeing this map of yours... I was wondering who they were having develop the 2v2 maps... One question though... symmetrical or asymmetric? And they seem to be taking a damn long time having the actual competition, they announced that thing months ago... I'm surprised Astro hasn't pulled out as a sponsor, lol.
    13. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Yeah, I'm special for two weeks! Woo! lol. I hope voting goes my way in MM, but people seem to be reluctant to vote for new maps unfortunately. I haven't really seen a map removed from a standard playlist yet though, so who knows, it could be there a while, fingers crossed.

      Been forging anything lately?
    14. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Thanks Squids! We need to get a petition to get Crown of Flies back in MM now! Asymmetrical Maps FTW!
    15. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Ads: killed.
    16. squidhands
      yeah, the show is in a weird place for me. Things are really rushed, but some of the actors are really pulling off the characters.
    17. squidhands
      Oh man, the surface hasn't even been scratched yet. I need to read that first book again.
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      Where I'm at:

      [spoiler]He's just leaving Winterfell after visiting the wall at the stage I'm at. Meanwhile Littlefinger told Eddard that the assassin's dagger belonged to him before being won by the Imp.[/spoiler]

      Big things loom over that.

      And I didn't particularly enjoy the first episode, but the actors are perfect for the roles they were cast (the queen being super hot) and the sets are amazing. From what I've been told, the second and third episodes were epic.

      However, they've been adding in scenes that make no sense whatsoever. Like Tyrion visiting the brothel. I guess they wanted to show Jamie cares for him where others don't, but even though Tyrion mentions whores every once in a while it doesn't seem like him.

      Or how they cut out the main reason why Bran ended up how he did.
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      It's epic.

      Tyrion and Eddard are my favorite characters thus far. I've only seen the first episode of the show as the second episode skips up a few hundred pages apparently.
    20. SargeantSarcasm
      I'm a third of the way through Game of Thrones :O
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    Dec 22, 1972 (Age: 52)
