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11y 21w ago
Jan 26, 2011
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alreadyRogue was last seen:
Oct 11, 2013
    1. broccollipie
      Guess who can't lock their own threads anymore? >:D
    2. Noxiw
      I'll be on tomorrow evening after about 11pm EST, I'm busy all day though. =\
    3. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Sure. I'm getting back online in around 30 minutes.
    4. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
    5. Eightball
    6. Organite
      Alright. I'll take you off man.

      Good luck.
    7. Organite
      Hey are you done with RH?

      It'd be a shame to see you go, but if you just don't want to or can't do it then let me know.
    8. carlos torton
    9. carlos torton
      carlos torton
      Hey can u add me XL!
    10. carlos torton
      carlos torton
      Hey due your map is amazing!
    11. 4shot
      I admit I may have been a little harsh, but that's just the way I give feedback to maps. Well, thanks for recognizing my points. Not a lot of people take the time to really look at feedback.

      I would suggest improving it from a 1/2 Ascension to a quality version of Ascension. Sure, a small Ascension remake is "cute", but you could really make it play so much better. Fixing the small problems of Ascension would make a great project. One of Ascension's biggest problems was the lack of cover and the view of the entire map from red tower. I know I've already said this in the thread, but I'll say it again: I really like the concept of the map, but it needs work. Keep going with it. I think you may be onto something.
    12. Arctic Hunter
      Arctic Hunter
      Sorry man, I never officially congradulated you on your FHF with Gallium. Congrats map its an amazing map!
    13. serumembryo
      Hey I was wondering. How long does it take to get a review from RH on a map? I understand it takes lots of work but how long does it usually take?

    14. Spawn of Saltine
      Spawn of Saltine
      you exceeded your bandwidth for Photobucket... your pictures are invalid
    15. Skater
      heyy i posted my 2x2 bank map, my friends actually thought it was good, lolz its my first map <3
    16. Organite
      Rogue, I'd go ahead and change the name of your mini game to Hail Storm.
      There are so many maps with identical names that map name "thievery" doesn't exist.
      Don't listen to 12qwazx... he's stupid.

      Hail Storm just sounds much more appealing anyway.
    17. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Fix Gallium's thumbnail. It's broked.
    18. Organite
      No big.
      Just wait a few days for a proof.
      Just be aware that Crossfire wont give you anymore credit since it already bumped you past an entire rank already.
    19. Organite
      Hey Rogue, I'm going to take your review out of the check-in.
      All non-Loyal members are required to submit their reviews in the Proofs forum before they put them in the check-in.
    20. Skater
      Skater : Halo Reach : File Details
      thats the map