Last Activity:
Dec 20, 2012 at 5:25 AM
Dec 1, 2009
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Yorkshire, England

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Ancient, from Yorkshire, England

PatchworkZombie was last seen:
Dec 20, 2012
    1. Tedium
      Just post in the joining thread with an example of a review you've done. You can go ahead and use one of your past ones, because it's just a formality. We'll all let you in as an applied member.

      And welcome back! :D
    2. Tedium
      Ohhhhhh! Okay, well that explains it. Sometimes people just disappear off of the face of the internet. Thanks for explaining, however through inactivity you have already been kicked out :(
    3. HotLikeStove
    4. Tedium
      Your Exile review is late - I need to know what's going on with you. Do you still intend to complete it?
    5. PatchworkZombie
    6. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      made good progress on that map, looks like im gonna keep it dude. I'll show you what ive done when we're on next.
    7. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      No worries man, ive started the render now so they should be ready soon.
    8. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      Went to your fileshare to render those films for you but they werent there. Let me know when u have them up and i'll do it for you. Peace *****
    9. PatchworkZombie
      lol kind of it was half finished. I was planning on submitting it anyway because I didn't think you'd let me back in that easy.
    10. Organite
      Lol, looks like you already had another Application review ready just in case you needed to.
    11. PatchworkZombie
      Ok thanks I'll get to work.
    12. Organite
      Hey, sorry for the late response.
      We've decided to bring you back in as an Applied member writing full reviews just as you did before you left.
      There are a couple more additions now and you should probably review those.
      You will be responsible for having something done by the next cycle though since we are about to begin a new one.
      Hopefully you have it in you this time and welcome back =)
    13. PatchworkZombie
      Ok cheers will do
    14. PacMonster1
      Well you are free to come on as an entry member at any time, no application review but seeing as we accepted your application before as a solid application I see no reason why you can't cone back as an applied member. I'd ask Organite though and you should still post in the joining RH thread just to say you wanna come back.
    15. Katanga
    16. Organite
      Hey, I'd like to remind you that your first review should be submitted by Sunday.
      You need to have it proofread before submission so please do that soon.

      If you miss your first cycle you get removed from the Hub.
      Just a forewarning.
    17. Katanga
      Shameless advertising!
      Posted up one if the maps I showed yo the other day. I blitzed the forging and tested it to buggery so i could release it for Throwdown.

      However, I picked a **** day to upload. Ace released a new map, and then Cargo Port got released. Insta-second page. >.<. So yeah...mind giving the finished version a bit of a bump?
    18. Spawn of Saltine
      Spawn of Saltine
      I got a game in on your map. I left a comment in case you didn't take notice yet. Sadly the map is probably on the 2nd page already as I type this..
    19. chrstphrbrnnn
      I reversed my infraction for you a bit early. I don't know why you just lost your sig (it's supposed to happen at 3 points. It should be back now
    20. IDave the Rave
      IDave the Rave
      Err, depends when I finish the design, then when a can be assed to forge it
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    Yorkshire, England


    Halo 3 Maps
    | Rampancy 2.5 (Bungie Favourites) | Winding Way (Bungie Favourites) | Hulio Cesar II (FHF, Featured, XForgery)​

    Halo: Reach Maps
    | Erasure (co-forge with Blazeizgod) | Ozymandias