Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Preacher001
      Come on now, coding issues while struggling to enjoy your Bday. Your tale will certainly earn the trust and respect of the unappreciated coders. And lets be honest, what's better than saying, "My Bday present to myself, World Domination."

      Maybe I was wrong about you. Guess I'm back to my plan. Work at a pizza restaurant, deliver pizza to the public , work my way into the hearts of the masses by intiating my Pizza for a healthier, happier, lifestyle concept. Copyright Pizza.

      World Domination.

      Wait, that looks out of order. Damn it! You made me forget my plan.
    2. Preacher001
      PHP - For Dummies

      Come on man, Tuesday's not that far away.

      PS. I don't know why everything ends in world domination, it just does.
    3. Preacher001
      Hey I figured it out. In you're down time, learn to code. While learning to code build up a library of coding complaints. ***** about them in a contructive writer style and submit it. Gain the trust of the coder masses, take over the interents, move on to world domination.

      You could be done by Tuesday.

      On acount of, it doesn't take long to build up a list of coding complaints and coders are about 50 times faster than they admit. The rest of the time they read blogs.

      Bam! Your in.
    4. Preacher001
      I'm not sure about Java but I loved the look of PHP. CSS is a godsend.

      My buddy designs (lol, lives within the confines of) the government web pages. He's a contractor. His favorite is Fish and Wildlife. Except half the time I hear about him setting up Power Point presentations for the municiple and provincial leaders. The other half the time he bitches about Adobe products. I have him quoted as saying "and the other thing I hate about rectangles" :)
    5. Preacher001
      ForgeHub is a Slick looking site that suffers from unecessary quirkyness. It would be nice if there was a site flow revision. It would also be good if instead of using funky templates for map posts it was a proper form that posted to the Forum. It would cut down on the need to manually chase down posts without photo's.

      That's alot of would!
    6. Preacher001
      LOL, I wish I could get away with not having a proper job. Writing is tricky. It's not as much about skill as it is about finding an audience. Once you have one, as long as you show them respect they will tend to follow you wherever you go. The more popular you get the more they want to read what you say so that they can gloat that they've been a fan for "X" long.

      Posting mistakes would be far less frequent if there was no quick message option, instead only a 'New Post' button and to reply you needed to click on the "View Conversation" button.

      Honestly, I would think it would be better as a personal forum style with a quick peek option for recent posts in place of the Visitor Message setup.
    7. Preacher001
      I always get confused with the Visitor messages setup. I keep trying to post to myself.
    8. Preacher001
      Local one, Island Net. We started reselling Shaw Broadband though, before I left for a 1 year trip to Australia. I worked for Symantec and Toshiba doing support while on a work vacation there. Now I'm just a lowely pizza driver :( Sadly I make more money (after tips) now, than when I was doing IT work.
    9. Preacher001
      I used to work as an IT guy at an ISP/Domain host. I understand the plight. Consideration is all I can hope for.

      The nice thing about what I was mentioning is that you guys could always pop in a little code to offer an empty box to add things like favorites and then add database features in the future if it seems worthwhile.

      Start simple.

      Anyways, Thx again
    10. Preacher001
      This note is afterthough hense the 'Definetly' in the next paragraph.

      I like the idea of being able to see peoples play lists. It's a good way of better understanding what type of player (CS,CTF. . .) you're communicating with. It's also a great way to find maps that you may not know about.
    11. Preacher001
      Definetly. It would be nice if it was added to a simple database regardless if maps were shown at FH. Then it's an easy step to see what are the top maps as automatically chosen via peoples play list.

      If you want to be a little more fancy you could ask people to list thier current top 3 playlist maps before listing thier standard playlist maps. You can then give the listed maps an increased value (base+1 or base+3,2,1) or create a seperate value all together. (base+1,Favorite+1 or base+1,Favorite+3,2,1) That way the map still gets one standard point then gets a Favorites vote. In this way the map doesn't automatically get screwed out of standard playlist vote just because it only got "Favorite" points. The benifit is that you don't find the number 4 "Favorite" pick gets lowest standard playlist vote for lack of standard vote points.
    12. Preacher001
      The beauty of this method is that maps that have fallen into obscurity at FH yet may be in everyones play list still have a chance at becoming a number 1 pick. You could also offer least common 3 maps in peoples playlist. I would however, create a minimum required number so that people didn't add something stupid just for fun.

      Orrrrrrr we could just make a list like on a notepad, no database. Whatever.

      Wow this turned out long. Oh well, I shouldn't be surprised. That's how I roll.

      Thx for the ear.
    13. Preacher001
      Ah, I think I understand. Thx.

      Do you know if there is a way for my to set up a favorite map list and have that on the main page of my profile?
    14. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      Yeah, I am, why do you ask?
    15. Preacher001
      Right here in the bottom right. It says View conversation, Report and permalink with a tick box.
    16. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      Yeah, looks good, and I like the price.
    17. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      What do you use, and how much do you pay for it?
    18. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      How does the host thing work? Didn't know you had to host it.
    19. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      Yeah, the wordpress. How does that work out? Because I'm wanting to start one up for my ideas that I got for food and ****.
    20. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      Yo, what do you use for you blog? Wordpress?
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****