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Mar 7, 2013 at 12:38 PM
Mar 6, 2011
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Forerunner, from Lancaster, PA

AtlasIsShruggin was last seen:
Mar 7, 2013
    1. Preacher001
      Sorry I've been meaning to comment about Aegir for a while. Please keep in mind as usual I've not had a chance to play a proper game on it. I've run around the map pretty thoroughly though. Here's what I've got.

      I love the hand holding the light. It's amazing. I also really like the multi shield bubble. It looks pretty cool. The chain links and the whole platform in general are really themed well. Even the opening above them give it all a really cool look. I'm not really sure how they all apply together but each looks really cool individually.

      Here's where I start to lose interest. The tables. I still have yet to get the purpose of tables in maps. I know it's asthetic but I don't find how they improve gameplay. I'm also not sure how they play into your map. I mean nothing in this map gives me reason to believe it is a place to chill and have a drink. It's just kind of a randomly created space to fight, and hey why not have a drink? Similarly the tent like structure.
    2. Preacher001
      The walls oh dear god the walls. I know it makes good sense for large battles and specifically split screen but is there nothing you can do to dress them up more. I know it's hard since bungie has done an atrocious job at fixing render issues on user maps but there must be a little something you can add. I think it especially has to do with the fact that I really hate the premanufactured single and double walls. They are the worst. I've tried countless times to use them and I fail every time. They just suck. The other flaw is that if you keep using 4x4 and 5x5 pieces they tend to give the same feel.

      I see that alot of people like what you've done there and that means that it has potential. As it is now I feel the arm in the water raises expectations of this map to heights that it can't deliver. If it were me I would drop the features that don't directly corrispond with that arm and focus your limited frame rate to emphasizing things that do.
    3. Preacher001
      Try to add a little of that raw strength aspect to the style of your map. This may be difficult to do with bungies crippled forge but if you can squeeze a little more creativity into the appearance of the play area it will remain in peoples play que longer.

      It's been a while since I played the map but I was wondering if the you raised the platform a little more could we still make the jump? If we can I'd try raising enough that we can just comfortably make it. Also, any chance of raising the rocket so it's on more of a platform or just lowering the teleporter frame so it's flush? Kind of makes little sense as it is now. Just an unnecesary bump.

      Ps. the ladder worked perfect. I've been thinking of adding that to a map or two of mine.

      I don't mean to seem over critical it's just my opinion when I hold it up to the quality of previous maps you've produced. I hope this helps or at least offers a different perspective. Keep on Forgin!!!
    4. GrenadeGorilla8
      Sweet sounds good. haven't got a chance to look at it yet but I'll check it out for sure. I'm on at random times during the week so if i'm on just invite me
    5. Nutduster
      You're on the customs list for sure - I'll update during the day on Monday with the full list. We've only done the round-robin-testing thing once so far but it went really well.

      Your new map looks like it could be a lot of fun to play on. If we are on at the same time in the next few days, I'll do a quick forge-through with you just to get a feel for it. I like the simplified look and chunky architecture - those are usually good signs for playability.
    6. GrenadeGorilla8
      Doh Nutduster beat me again! haha
    7. GrenadeGorilla8
      Youre very welcome! And I'd be happy to help! And youre more than welcome to join our testing/customs sessions every week. If you need testing done this week check our thread in the customs lobby posted by Nutduster
    8. Nutduster
      Thanks man - request away and I'd be glad to accept. I have been trying to fill my friends list with good forgers and would love to get into a forge session with you some time, or drag you into one of our customs/testing nights if you're up for it. (Check the customs lobby for more info, we always have a thread going.)
    9. newbieninja2
      thanks for the friend request! about aigir, the map looks really fun, love the lighthouse, my only problem is the weapon placement, the shotgun and the sniper rifle are to close together.
    10. Preacher001
      Yah, i don't think we're using them right. They were probably intended for shout outs. Meh, what ever.
    11. Madpond
      great job on your maps, hope your forgeing life goes well eh?\
      love your maps very orignal
    12. Equin0x
      Dude, thats advertising.

      also: I took a look at it already, the hand looks beast. Sure it plays well too
    13. JGarb
      Okay, ill definatly go check it out.
      And yeah, i will remove somone so i can add you on xbl, i have to many randoms anyway.
    14. AtlasIsShruggin
      Oh and I did end up posting Aegir

      Aegir Forgehub Page
    15. Preacher001
      What made you even think to cram 9 players on There's no F in way.
    16. Preacher001
      lol. Thanks man, that was freakin hilarious. And that's why it's 1v1 :)

      I had a nice 1v1 on it this afternoon. After i reminded my first time fnway opponant to grab the power up it balanced out pretty good.
    17. Arctic Hunter
      Arctic Hunter
      Hey, if you ever want to talk add me on Xbox.
    18. Preacher001
      Hey did you play Argon Flux? I would think that would have been a good one for you. It can handle larger groups better than my custom maps. It's an edit of Spire. I know you hate abilities but I think you'll find that everything works pretty well together. It's not small but it's not huge either. Maybe a little more destruction than you prefer.
    19. Preacher001
      PS. If all goes well Sunday I hope to upload the cleaned up edition of Hornets Nest. I really wanted to use auto allignment on all the pieces but it wouldn't match the bridge pieces together perfectly for some damn reason. Anyway my eyeballed version with jump fixes and minor map/spawn time/ammo tweaks should be fine as they are now. It's more like a bug fix really. No major changes. I considered uploading tonight.
    20. Preacher001
      Man I gotta learn to seperate my paragraphs or somethin. It's just one long run on sentence that ends like a paragraph filled with five comments. Anyway enjoy that below.

      I actually have 3 other maps waiting to make thier debut. Scooby Shootout, and a couple with names pending: Baltis Causeway and Arieus Arena.

      Scooby shootout has used Scooby Doo as inspiration for minor bit of theming and is suffereing from a lack of full map utilization.

      Baltis Causeway is a water level U shaped map with a bit of older/newer combination of stylings and suffers line of site/asthetic issues. Also it's not the best split screener.

      Arieus Arena is a classic arena style map with a poor aquaduct juncture theme. It suffers considerable unexplainable frame rate lag in split screen.
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    Lancaster, PA
    “If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down on his shoulders—what would you tell him to do?” " To Shrug."

