Darth Human
Last Activity:
Aug 12, 2019 at 3:52 PM
Sep 27, 2010
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Darth Human

Guy from Reach

Senior Member
Darth Human was last seen:
Aug 12, 2019
    1. pyro
      You don't need to lock a thread to let it die. Copy your post over to the real post of his map.
    2. pyro
      Next time for the love of god read the first six words before posting.
    3. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Your signature picture is 200 px high, but the "subscribe" you have in your signature also takes up quite a bit of space.
    4. Psychoduck
      I had a bit of a lol moment this morning while reading a thread when I saw you had polayed Cargo Port with 16 players. Seeing as it's designed for 8 player invasion, 10 max, I'm not the least bit surprised there was spawn killing. It also most likely played atrociously with that many players.

      Anyway, it made me laugh, had to say something about it. :p
    5. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Move everything into your sig so that they're side by side. Currently, you're way over signature rules.
    6. Eightball
      Argh, sorry I'm late, but CONGRATS on purps man. It looks good on you ;)

      Also, I added you on here (ForgeHub).
    7. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Thanks again for the support. Sorry that I didnt stick around on xbox live to party chat but I had to go. Might have rushed the post without telling you exactly when it was coming online but I figured it was about time I finished this.

      Next step I guess will be to help you with any maps you have and work the channel along. Maybe get that infection map pack together or finish my HALO CE Level 1 map
    8. Insane54
      I've heard great reviews about your minigame maps. Is there any chance of us running some customs so I can check some of them out? I'm a Community Cartographer and I'd love to see if I can get some of your maps into Action Sack.
    9. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Hey congrats. Thanks for promoting my map. Yeah sorry I couldnt get it posted in time. Ill try wrapping that up today at some point. Im not really going for downloads anyways. I have alot of fun just creating it and playing it
    10. Arctic Hunter
      Arctic Hunter
      Congrats on your rank dude. Being a TG Host is sick and I hope you enjoy every minute of it! :)
    11. Neoshadow
      Congrats on loyal man, keep up the good work.
    12. LD
      Congrats to your color, keep up the work and release more ****ing minigames, I'm addicted and I need moar!
    13. serumembryo
      Tell me your Mini Game secrets.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      lol yeah I got it.

      are there general times you'd be available next week? I tend to organize a date and ultimately end up having the person wait around for like half an hour while I get questions ready because I forgot, so I'd rather it not be a set time.

      However, if you need one we can set it up that way. The actual interview only takes like 15-20 minutes. (If you factor in the very real possibility that I'll procrastinate, that may end up being like an hour for the whole shebang).
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      Just download skype if you don't have it already and add me. SargeantSarcasm is the name on there too.

      We'll probably do it sometime next week when we're both available.
    16. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Sure, what do I have to do?
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      Community spotlight?
    18. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Ok sure I can try and post that tonight if you want. I wasnt sure if I would post it just yet since im leaving tomorrow for philidelphia to compete in a bunch of races. That will last until late saturday so I was worried I wouldnt have enough time. Ive got free time now though so ill work on that and try to get it posted.
    19. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Hey check out the museum map. I just posted it in the aesthetics section
    20. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Got your message that you were done with the vid. Thanks so much. After feedback from our last playthrough I decided to go back and tweak the map again. Not sure what the finished product will eventually be but I will still use your video regardless.
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