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Sep 12, 2019 at 6:41 AM
Jan 21, 2008
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May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
South Australia

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Ancient, from South Australia

Senior Member
Linubidix was last seen:
Sep 12, 2019
    1. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      squared circle, you said itll be an arena type. what sort of theme? (should i even attempt it as an equation? i know squared is a term, and pi is 3.14)
    2. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      fantastic, i love big maps. but as far as style goes, would you call Pankration abstract? because when i play on it, i felt i was sort of fighting on unique structures. not something youd normally see.
    3. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      its fine, i think ill have enough to finish if i have too, but i showed TheSilenceBroken the map at an earlier stage, and asked him to save it, because hed recently lost his early version of vertebraille, and so when it was "infected" i had a fall back map, but now when i finally get it back, the older version is acting the same way. none the less, the newer map im working on has closer attention, and if i lose the old one, ill just do it over. so how big is your new map going to be? like, could i use a sniper in it?(not if youve placed one, just if it would work with relative efficiancy)
    4. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      ya, ive been working on a smaller enclosed map,(im the guy who worked with blaze on BlindSide BTW) but for some reason, i cant spawn any immovable objects, movable ones, half the human weapons, or any teleporters. grrrrr
    5. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      crossed, what type of style will it be like, medium range, small, similar to pankration?
    6. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      woo hoo, (explosion) *insert atomic bomb picture here*
      on to happier subjects besides exploding orphans....when do you think youre going to get us another linubidix-cious map?
    7. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      yaay ice cream, but wait! my lunch lady at the orphanage said that id be too late to eat now, since i havent eaten in *EIGHT YEARS* then my body will descentegrate on eating contact. i will literally cease to exhist!! yum yum do you have it in chocolate?
    8. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      you know, i was really going for the longest post for vertebraille(and the most colorful) but i just thought id let you know how seeing that you probably posted more than me, and even added a word count, really breaks my dreams, leveing them crushed and bleading in the cold, hard, dirt. and im a poor orphan, who doesnt have a home, i hope to be a lawn gnome some day, but seing as how life can be THIS cruel, i guess i should just shrivle up in a corner and fade away from memory. guuhhhhhh..........
    9. thesilencebroken
      no prob bob. i was gonna send Vertebraille, but its often overlooked on the cd and apparently only singles are worthy of being youtubed. :(

      bedtimes. me hopes things dont die down too much tomorrow.

      59 replies, 973 views, 33 ratings and 169 downloads in 10 hours. rawk.
    10. thesilencebroken
      yes, it is. it even works out being in a tunnel, AND it gets to look sexy there.
    11. thesilencebroken
      why the HELL would anyone think to want a sniper on Vertebraille? gah.

      anyways, im off for tonight. enjoy.
    12. halo kid
      halo kid
      xtreme make-over profile addition
    13. thesilencebroken
      im sure you'll find a way.

      im probably getting off for tonight. i got a long day tomorrow. so ill hit you up when i got something for you to work off of.

      let me know what you think once you've played on vertebraille. NO MORE THAT 3v3.
      remember that.:D
    14. halo kid
      halo kid
      how about now?
    15. halo kid
      halo kid
      go to my profile,tell me what you think of the colors
    16. thesilencebroken
      no, most likely you'll see that monday or tuesday.
    17. thesilencebroken
      nevermind, i remember.

      its just a message i sent out to download the new map. :D
    18. thesilencebroken
      halo 3 message?
    19. thesilencebroken
      when my stepdad is home, he does work on his computer, which seems to use the same ip assigned to the 360. so when one is in use, the other is rendered useless.
    20. thesilencebroken
      dont get on i cannot connect to live
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  • About

    May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
    South Australia
