What did you do with my Nibbles?! (I set up koth and since I didn't come up with a map name, I say you should name it :))
Hey, check out my map preview. I fear it will fall off the front page soon, and I need a bump. I also really want to hear what you have to say. ;)
bro from ohio, the map is going good. the last tim i forged it, i was replacing the block for other pieces. bad news, some lighting is messed up. Its nice the bottom level is dark, and the others are lighter, but in the middle floor, there's spots or darker pieces...so it might have to be moved to look better.
Dude why did I get the spam warning? I think it's fair to say that Schnitzel is the antagonist. Are we not allowed to question or challenge such outrageous posts? It wasn't my intention to spam or boost.
So I updated the Purification MP with KOTS. I believe someone got some thanks. I'm not so sure who though :)